Start My Sunday By Being A Volunteer With YEP Youth

Last Sunday is not my usual Sunday, usually, I'm either rest at home or spend time with my loved one. Last week both I and my girlfriend decided to become one day volunteer in Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) organized by Cybercare Malaysia. It was a marketplace for all the youth in YEP and our roles will be keeping an eye on them, provides support to them during the marketplace.

Briefing for youth & introduce volunteer to them

The marketplace took place in Kajang night market, we arrived at the bungalow about 3:00 pm for volunteer briefing. At the same time we catch up with each other before the briefing starts (we are a group of volunteers before YEP, and all of us are close friends). After our briefing, one of the coaches introduce all of us to the youth and put them into groups and each group will have 2 volunteers to help out.
At 3:45 pm, all of us depart from bungalow and to Kajang night market to set up their stall. About 40 minutes later all stalls are nicely set up and all products are nicely arranged on the table. They are ready to kick some asses! These youth are smart in a way, they use a lot of creative excuses to not to sell their product. Unfortunately, they are in the wrong mindset, it will be super useful and growth for them if they spend those time to come out with creative sales strategy! Anyway, hopefully, they will improve along the way. :)

Youth setup their stall

Long story short, when the time approaches 9:30 PM most of the youth started to have the motivation to keep selling (their motivation should have come earlier, lol). I remember one of the youth on my team she is so excited that she jumps around and told me our sales is about RM 100+. Well, for me it is a good sales for them, especially in the night market. Our stall is just selling women accessories mostly necklace and earrings.

Getting more motivation to sell!

Today, I still remember her happy face and I decided to write about it. I guess she did a good job on that night. Even though I didn't do much on helping the team but looking at their small success I feel so happy and satisfied. I'm so glad we decided to join that day!

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