Steemit farewell! Thanks for having me #teammalaysia (/the search for love for @zord189)

When it comes to Steemit, I think the most united group of steemians has to be right here in Malaysia. I'm probably biased, but #teammalaysia is made up of some of the most inspirational, kind, people i've met here in Malaysia.. or anywhere for that matter. 

Last night some of the members of #teammalaysia organised a farewell party for me! SO unbelievably kind. I feel so lucky! Thank you @aaronleang and @joannewong for organising this awesome meet up. It was awesome to see all my favourite steemians there. I feel truly honoured that you guys gave up an evening to come and say goodbye. Alright.. we all know you just came for the food ;-)

Potentially a lift selfie @bitrocker2020 @natalielo @maverickfoo @karinzdailygrind @aaronleang @joannewong @coachmel @digitalmind @elizacheng @kevinwong

We met at Paradigm Mall at Fa Ying Thai Fare & Cafe for Thai some delicious Thai food! I could eat Thai food all day long. Thank you @kevinwong for treating us all! Totally delicious and great to finally meet you in person! 

Veggie Thai Green Curry with Tofu

Pineapple Fried Rice!

It was awesome to spend some quality time with you crazy bunch. Great to finally meet @digitalmind and speak with him. He has a wealth of knowledge about Malaysia and so many incredible experiences to share. Love to see people of all ages plunging into the world of steemit! So inspiring

Blurry photo courtesy of my Thai Green Curry fingers on lense

A big feast later and it was up to the roof of New World Hotel to their rooftop bar for drinks. It was my first time visiting here, or even hearing about it, and i'm gutted I didn't visit sooner. An absolutely stunning, uninterrupted view of the city and some of the best margaritas in town! Because you can't have a party without margaritas!?

Pineapple and Ginger, Tequila Margarita

As it turns out, @littlenewthings loves a margarita or 5! Alright, maybe I was the only one drinking margaritas.. but she looks like she loves them. I can see it in her eyes.

@kevinwong @joannewong @elizacheng @bitrocker2020 @aaronleang @zord189 

The night drew to a close and it was time for a few extra photos and goodbyes.
Because we all know you can't rely on a boy to take a real photo of you first time without taking a selfie first ;-)

The last of the ladies at the end of the night @littlenewthings, me, @elizacheng @joannewong @aaronleang 

Me and @joannewong

And it wasn't all fried rice and margaritas. OH NO. There were some pretty personal discussions taking place. Last night we all got that little bit closer to Malaysia's most eligible bachelor and host of Teh Tarik sessions.. the one and only.. @zord189. 

When I say we got closer.. maybe a bit too close. Although he has many women after him, I have now made it my new focus in life, to find #teammalaysia's own @zord189 a woman truly worth of his time. He's not that picky.

The search for the perfect woman

Is this you?

Real life image via @yasminep (not to scale)

If you happen to fit all of this criteria then we want to speak to you! You could be making a very talented, kind, handsome, character animator a very happy man.

Compulsory features he's looking for are:

- 2 hibiscus, one behind each ear. Preferably fresh.
Do you find yourself waking up each day and reaching for your hibiscus? If so then you could be the one. Call me, discord me.. whatever you gotta do to make the love God's come together.

Did your mama never tell you to play in the dirt, woman!? Build that immune system, damn it!

- MUST wear floral dresses
It says something about your personality apparently. We aren't exactly sure what that is.. but it says it. LOUD. AND. CLEAR. And we like it. So get your florals on for @zord189 (please no hibiscus prints. I repeat NO hibiscus prints. Let's not take the piss here, guys. We've got enough of those going on behind the ears. We aren't totally mad.)

- Must work out
Not to say you need to look a particular way, but you have got to be putting in that WORK.
(Bicep diameter preference = minimum 22.5cm circumference. I do not set the rules over here, people. Work on those 'ceps.)

- NO lawyers
No offence to any lawyers out there, it's just he's in more than enough trouble with the law already and doesn't need any extra attention. In fact it would be best if you didn't like lawyers too. For your sake.

Other than that.. anyone can apply. Just reach out to me in the comments section and I will wave my magic wand of love (my right hand) and match make you two perfect little llamas.

Waving goodbye to what was left of #teammalaysia by basically midnight on a Monday night

I've got to tell you, after this meet-up I was pretty emotional. Suddenly leaving Malaysia feels final and it's heartbreaking to think I won't be a part of this awesome community anymore. Thank you for welcoming me into your steemit bosom. You guys are truly amazing. I've loved every meet-up, every discord chat, every coffee session. 

The biggest thank you to this special guy, the man that makes a lot of the #teammalaysia events happen @bitrocker2020. Thank you for introducing me to everyone at #teammalaysia and also some awesome women in Malaysia too! Thankful to have met you and excited for future collaborations. Stay crazy ;-)

Now back to the real matter at hand.. let's find @zord189 a woman! One at a time please ladies, one at a time..


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