Team Malaysia | Steemit Bootcamp in collab. CATALYST


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

This Steemit Bootcamp has been going on for a few months and this was my first time attending it. This initiative was started by @maverickfoo with the support of @bitrocker2020 to equip & help kickstart new Steemians on their Steemit journey.


Banner courtesy of #teammalaysia

I was privileged to be invited by @coachmelleow to come to this Bootcamp and I was also hoping to learn a thing or two about coaching/training people so maybe in the near future, I am able to run my own sessions. Thank you for inviting me and I couldn't ask for more because I was excited to learn and see how the professional, @maverickfoo coach Steemians.


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

A big shoutout to @coachmelleow once again for preparing a nice and comfy event space for the Bootcamp. @coachmelleow is part of an initiative called 'CATALYST' and is on a mission to 'Empower Social Change' in Africa. What is amazing is that 100% of the fees for this bootcamp are collected and given to fund CATALYST. Please do check out his post about CATALYST here.

CATALYST for Social Change


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

Before we started, @maverickfoo had to make sure that everyone has an approved account on Steemit so they are able to navigate together as he teaches about the interface of Steemit. He then introduced the '4Cs of Steemit Success' and that is 'Creation, Curation, Courtship and Community'. I also firmly believed that these four elements are core to how you succeed on Steemit.

I wouldn't go in depth about what he has talked about regarding these elements, but each of these elements needs to be tapped on if you want to succeed on Steemit. For example, if you were to solely just create content on Steemit without engaging through Curation, Courtship and Community, you wouldn't go far. True story! Being on Steemit for 201 days now, I've gotten to known that you have to learn to build genuine relationships with other Steemians, engage with sincerity and not for the sake of upvotes and follows. And lastly, be part of a community and there are MANY amazing communities out there. One of the few is @steemitbloggers, a quality powerhouse run by @jaynie.


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

Of course, we had to take a we-fie since we're talking about 'creating contents'. Haha, and these contents pay. @bitrocker2020, @littlenewthings, @khimgoh and @karinzdailygrind was able to join us half way through the bootcamp.


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

We had a tea break which I thought was our lunch! So i kinda took a lot of sandwiches cause it wasn't enough for me. I wonder did people notice that the sandwiches were gone pretty quickly. But it was during this time i enjoyed talking to some of the new Steemians and get to know them. One of them was @buzz.lightyear and found out that he wants to see how Steemit can help him build his awareness campaigns on climate change. What I would tell you is Steemit will definitely open endless possibilities for you to achieve your goals. Just a few months back, #teammalaysia managed to collect funds up to RM7000+(1,794USD+) from posting on Steemit to run a charity drive at Destiny Homes, Klang. Steemit is truly the future, a new era.


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

Guess what they are doing? A PRESSURE TEST! They've been tasked to do a 3 minute writing pressure test on THE MOST DANGEROUS WRITING APP. Go have a go at it, I know someone who has tried it an demanded to have both her arms back....aherm @jaynie...cough cough. But thanks @maverickfoo for introducing this app to us, the key is to Just keep writing. Which is kinda true, often times we spend too much time thinking about the best title, best caption and then 1 hour gone just like that.

Just keep writing~ Just keep writing~ - Dory


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

I was shocked when they announced that lunch was ready. I thought we just had lunch. Well, can't complain when there's food. Malaysians love food. We're always eating. If you see an angry Malaysian, treat him/her to a meal, it will usually solve the issue.


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

We had a 'chunking' session to help content creator organize their train of thoughts better for posting. When you've done the 'chunking' process, you'll realize that you will have tons of things to write about for your post.


Photo courtesy of @bitrocker2020

(Left-Right)@bitrocker2020, me, @maverickfoo and @orangila


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

We also had our very own @littlenewthings come out to share about herself. Need to hear the big sister of #teammalaysia share.


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

And definitely a group photo at the end of everything. I wanna take this opportunity to thank @maverickfoo for constantly giving your best in providing these workshops, @coachmelleow for securing the event space and definitely @bitrocker2020, #teammalaysia witness for supporting these initiatives to grow Steemians in Malaysia. If you have not join any of our events and workshops, I urge you to join us! It'll be fun meeting new people and the awesome individuals that you'll probably see around for a loong loonggg timee...


Photo courtesy of @orangila, (Official Photographer)

Oh right, food again. :D After the Bootcamp we had our dinner and late night chats about Steemit and life. I hope to be able to join and support many of these workshops in the future. There are so many exciting events coming up, and I hope to meet each and everyone of you that I've not met yet in these events! Till then!~

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-24 at 6.10.22 PM.jpeg

Photo courtesy of @bitrocker2020

Thank You

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DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.

Appreciator Footer.png

Animated Banner Created By @zord189

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