TeamMalaysia | We Have Guests!


Oh it was such a JOY when a fellow Steemian from another country DMed me one day to let me know that she was coming to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a vacation. I've met @macchiata in several discord channels before and the first thing I asked her was, "Do u like to drink coffee?" Because I thought of Macchiato. Gosh zord... obviously

She also told me that the letter 'a' in a certain language, I forgot which... represents female and the letter 'o' represents male. Hence, the name @macchiata.

She also contacted my tour guide buddies @joannewong and @aaronleang who are always awesome in making sure the guests feels welcome in Malaysia. So an exciting schedule was planned for @macchiata!

Little did we know, @nomadicsoul was also set to arrive in Malaysia for work purposes too


Before I continue, I wanna apologize for MISSING the myjunior's event this time where they actually had @sireh and @rambai to teach the little children art!

I would like to thank the organizing committee once again for all the effort and time put into organizing this amazingly cute event.

MyJunior Committee Members:

#teammalaysia lead : @bitrocker2020
Lead : @elizacheng
Committees : @orangila (official photographer), @karinzdailygrind, @notimetospace, @aaronleang, @jonathanchong, @joannewong.
Teachers : @sireh & @rambai from #steem-cartoons

It is amazing that Steemit has provided a platform for these kids to learn, grow and earn at the same time. We are building the new generation here!

There was also another meetup being held that day in the evening which I couldn't make it as well! It was a collaboration of #steem-music and #teammalaysiababes and it was just a time to chill, relax and enjoy some music by some of #steem-music very own. I'm sorry @angiechin28 that I can't make it!

Read the full write-up by @angiechin28 here : The Meet Up That Brought Everyone Together!

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Back to where we left off, @macchiata and @nomadicsoul... right... :D @joannewong & @aaronleang brought them around sightseeing the day before while I had work so I couldn't join them...AGAIN. But I was so pumped up and excited to meet them on Saturday. BEFORE THAT!~

@joannewong, @aaronleang(who was supposed to join) and I had our weekly 'Fats Be Gone' Regime. We do hope that more #teammalaysia Steemians would join us in the future too.

After 'Fats Be gone', I went up to @joannewong & @aaronleang's crib to freshen up. And Oh... you know the phrase, "Goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite?". Yeaaa.... about that, @macchiata stayed a night in their home because she had bed bugs trouble in her hostel.

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Left-Right : me, @macchiata, @joannewong and @aaronleang

Tada! Meet @macchiata! One of the founders of STEEM Music Alliance, also an OCD-curator and since she's awesome, she's gotta be in the Be Awesome Discord Channel too.

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@joannewong and @aaronleang brought us for a really hearty lunch at a Syrian restaurant. The service was good, the food was huge in portion and it was so delicious. I'm pretty sure we all fell in love with our kebabs. We didn't get to stay long because they were running late for the myjuniors event and I had to drive to church for music practice.


Left-Right : @elizacheng, @vinnieleow, @howtostartablog, @ryenneleow, @nomadicsoul, @halleyleow, @macchiata, @joannewong, @karinzdailygrind, @aaronleang and me

After the myjunior's event ended, I get to meetup with them again for DURIAN and dinner. I was so happy that @elizacheng, @karinzdailygrind, @orangila and @nomadicsoul could make it for the durian. I know @karinzdailygrind has been craving for it ever since we had our FIRST Durian meetup about two months ago. I also know that now she's still craving for it eventhough she had her lovely shaved ice durian.


@howtostartablog also managed to make it all the way from another state called Malacca just to join us in this meetup. You're awesome blog.

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I love candid shots. You get to see the cravings of @karinzdailygrind slurping her Durian Cendol, @macchiata and @howtostartablog enjoying some secretive OCD-Curators ONLY conversation, and @elizacheng looking for more durian.

Not long after that, we decided to bring @macchiata and @nomadicsoul for Bah Kut Teh for dinner. Bah Kut Teh is a Traditional Chinese Cuisine where it is served in a claypot bowl with herbal pork rib essence and pork meat inside. Let me tell you, it is ddeliiicouuu omm nomm nommm.

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Before we began feasting, I needed to 'teach' the guests how to use chopsticks properly.

Step 1 : As long you can get the food into your mouth.

I don't know how to use the chopstick the right way as well. Hahahaha, @howtostartablog, on the other hand seems to be good at it. @aaronleang said he can probably changed his name to 'howtochopsticks'.


And so... @nomadicsoul gets her fork and spoon from @aaronleang. It's a white girl thing :P Hahahah.


I don't remember what @aaronleang and I were pointing at but it looks important.


Group photo again!~ When I was younger, I always wished I was a teletubbies, my wish came true. Why am I holding the ice bucket? That's another story for some other time. But if you're really curious to know, feel free to drop me a DM on discord.

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We were all satisfied after our food except @macchiata. She still had a craving that we would soon fulfilled. She wanted to try the Malaysian 'Teh Tarik' or pulled tea directly translated in English. Basically, the guy would toss the tea from one cup to the other cup. It is supposed to create foam in the tea for whatever the reason, I still do not know till this day. Still a proud Malaysian here though.

So we proceeded to the 'mamak stall'. The 'Mamak Stalls' here are usually 24 hours open and sells many indian street food like roti canai, chapatti, tandori chicken and of course, Teh Tarik.

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The brown drinks on our table is the Teh Tarik and we spent the night chilling and talking about Steemit and life.

It tastes like Hay, oh wait, this is different - @nomadicsoul

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@macchiata, you better come back and visit us alright? @joannewong, and I kinda gained weight instead after the gym because of all this food. But it's alright, because I enjoyed every moment this meetup. And if you would like to visit Malaysia, do not forget to look for @aaronleang, @joannewong or me and we will definitely "Make A FAT Out of You"

Photos with #teammalaysia logos are courtesy of @orangila

Thank You

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Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.

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