The Story of Animation (Animation pipeline)

For people who are not in the animation industry, sometimes one may wonder that bringing an animation or a character to life is pretty simple. Instead, the pipeline of even moving the character frame by frame is pretty time-consuming and that's just a small part of it.

In most big companies, the animation industry has several departments as will explained in the video. 

Here is a slapstick video of the entire animation pipeline that we go through everyday!

Sit back, relax and let me shed a little light of what we animators have to go through.

Video Credits :

And here is another video by dreamworks that is in.... well... 3D animation

Most of us work behind the scene even sometimes not getting a credit cut in the end scene.

Artists and Animators are like the unsung heroes of movie production and advertisements.

Here's to understanding the animation pipeline! Cheers

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