
This happens to be the most painful day of my life. The day I will never forget in a hurry. I wish I could turn back the hands of time.

My mom just passed away early this morning and left me and siblings to suffer in this cruel world alone. She has been sick for quite some times now but there has been no money to treat her. Each person we approached paid deaf ears.

My father happen to be jobless. He only engages in petty jobs that can hardly buy a square meal a day. My hero is gone. My support and protection is all gone. My hope is gone.

Now my mom is gone, what's is going to happen to me?

Which will sponsor my education?

Who will carter for me and my siblings?

I happen to be the eldest child in the family of four children. I am currently in the second year in the university but as it stands, I don't think I'll continue. I'm thinking of dropping out.

My others siblings are in their secondary levels and they need money too to support their and continue their education.

I am so tired and frustrated. I just feel like dying. Dying seems better than staying in this miserable world. My only source of hope is now gone. Eating a good meal is now a very serious problem.

What A Life!!!

Death! Why did you have to steal my mother away from me and my siblings?

How do you want us to cope in this high demanding economy and country?

How do you want us to continue oir education?

Death! Why???

Mommy please come back, I need you and I miss you!!!

I can't cry enough😂😂

I wish my tears could bring her back!!!

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