Tesla to prepare autonomous freight trucks that moving in groups


It seems that Elon Musk now wants to unemploy the truckers.

Uber is not the only company experimenting with the use of autonomous trucks, since Tesla would have a project on the same line, although its proposal sounds a bit more complex than all the others.

An exclusive report from the Reuters news agency says Tesla's interior has almost everything ready to present its new electric vehicle model, which would be its first articulated cargo truck in history, but in addition to all this means of transportation would be totally autonomous.

All the information would have been obtained through a series of emails exchanged between the automotive company of Elon Musk and the Department of Motor Vehicles of Nevada, with the intention of obtaining the corresponding permissions to make tests.


But the biggest peculiarity of these autonomous freight trucks is that they would be able to move in a herd or platoon formation, with a vehicle moving as a leader and marking the course of the entire flotilla.

This is an impractical function for the daily use of this class of vehicles, due to its dimensions, but this will be a training that is sought during the test phases to evaluate its autonomous driving system.


Since April 2017 Elon Musk confirmed through his Twitter account that they were working on an autonomous freight truck, and that his plan was to present it in September of this same year.

So the Reuters information is fully aligned with the official background.

York Perry

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