A new kind of Bomb which can take down major energy sources - Blackout BOMB

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Different kinds of disaster bombs have been made in last decade and you would have heard names like Satan 1, Satan 2, Mother of all bombs, Father of all bombs but recently a new kind of bomb has been in development by South Korea.

Blackout Bomb can short circuit electrical grids and power stations, which can deprive whole region of energy. Tactic plan for activation of this bomb is very simple, it can dropped via airplane, containing carbon graphite filament which has the capability to short circuit any electrical hardware.

You would be surprised to know that this kind of project has been already tested by USA in Gulf war in 1991

Nobody can criticize South Korea for making this specific bomb but because South Korea has already developed ICBM( Inter Continent Ballistic Missile) but the question is why all the powerful countries spend their major budget on building weapons only. Preemptive strike and Deterrence theories have not made world any safer yet.

The first scene came into my mind when i was exploring about this project was from Godzilla (2014) movie, where a giant creature uses EMP burst to attack and world is eventually leading into this kind of technology.

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Video credit: 1, 2

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