Tragedy of not backing that thang up!


I know it's dramatic when I am crying over my pictures when people don't have electricity or water. It does remind me how wonderful my life is, but is does'nt change how much it stings.

Cross your fingers I can recover my phone. Having your tech crap out is a terrible feeling. Almost as bad as upsetting someone you care about. The worst part is I was in the middle of backing up my phone and photos that were LONG overdue to be backed up when it crapped out.

Cross your fingers for me that the guru's at zmac in Nashville can fix it / recover the data. It had a lot of pictures I have taken lately that I had planned to post & not only that, but all my pictures for the past 1.5 years. Luckily I post on social media and have some moments posted there, but not most of them.


I bet I back up a lot more moving forward. After talking to a the tech at Zmac it was likely the cord I had purchased when I lived in Cambodia last year. Not only did it fry my logic board it finished off the life of my Macbook battery. The battery was only $40 to replace, but the loss of all those moments really does make the heart bleed.

I am suspicious of the icloud because of it's annoyance in upgrading, so I have never been keen on using it. So I will say that it is extra irritating that as soon as I log into it for the first time in forever that it craps out.


@gomatthew is getting the new pixel, so I am going to experiment with his old one and maybe finally give up being an iphone user. Wish me luck, mostly in recovering the photos & also in quitting iPhone!


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