Future Military Robots , Will this be the future of modern warfare?


Future Military Robots , Will this be the future of modern warfare?

The world of robotics is increasing in a rapid pace. Where in factory building , and logistics depot operations robotics are already very far developed . In modern warfare the use of drones is already widely intregrated and saved many lives , but also cost a lot of lives. Lately there is a new trend starting to develop. Which is Robot solider and Robot K9's .

We all know the movies of Terminator , and as with a lot of movies , they seem to predict the future pretty accurate !



First a small introduction of Darpa .

I am not sure many people are aware about the dubious projects Darpa is involved in , creating technology for the US army and many more dubious projects not so well known by most people.

This is the " accepted" information coming from wikipedia.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.

Originally known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the agency was created in February 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik 1 in 1957. Since its inception, the agency’s mission is ensuring that the United States avoids further technological surprise.[3] By collaborating with academic, industry, and government partners, DARPA formulates and executes research and development projects to expand the frontiers of technology and science, often beyond immediate U.S. military requirements.[3]

DARPA-funded projects have provided significant technologies that influenced many non-military fields, such as computer networking and the basis for the modern Internet, and graphical user interfaces in information technology.

DARPA is independent from other military research and development and reports directly to senior Department of Defense management. DARPA has about 240 employees, of whom approximately 15 are in management, and close to 140 are technical staff.[citation needed]

The name of the organization changed several times from its founding name ARPA: DARPA (March 1972), ARPA (February 1993), and DARPA (March 1996)


  1. Death Ray

Darpa is creating star wars like death rays. They seem to be able to stop some ones heart with with this death rays , and even have the power to implode huge , buildings , and even whole cities.

There are even rumours that they used this technology during the WTC attack from 9/11. There are also a lot of rumours of healthy people , who knew a little to much , and suddenly died from heart failure caused by this technology.

You may call me a tinfoil hat , but when an alarming rate of young healthy people , who worked on places that are very secretive , and were becoming whistle blowers , die all of a sudden. My alarm bells go ringing.

2 . Sleepless soldiers

For a few years already , they are genetically modifying the biological system of soldiers , to make super soldiers out of them.
Soldiers who don't need to eat and sleep to perform Olympic like achievements , kind of the same as what Monsanto is doing to seeds. An absolutely terrifying development. You should never mess with mother nature. Especially not for these kinds of purposes.

3 . Robot soldiers

And one of their latest projects is creating numerous typed of robot soliders and K9's , with an extremely high level of AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) And other highly sophisticated technological specs included. Robots who are able to identify behaviour and making decisions on there own. And able to get trough the most rugged terrains . Robots who obviously don't need sleep and food , ready to replace the human sleepless soldiers. Even robots who are able to self replicate. Almost sounds like a pregnancy of robots.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is the very near future of Modern Warfare.

But what i am wondering is , will we be fighting Army robots, to regain our freedom . Or will it be robots fighting robots?

The coming 20 years will teach us a lot of this matter , but my personal opinion is.

The future of modern warfare , doesn't look very bright to me. Since i don't believe in robots making good rational and emotional decisions . The future of modern warfare frightens me .

Terminator like movies are becoming dangerously close to reality.

I will pray for the good people in this world!




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