Are we becoming technological zombies?

The end of the days are here. Throughout human history, we've always looked for better ways to meet and satisfy our needs needs. Our society is obsessed with technology. Its almost as if we've become slaves to the screen. The truth is, most of us can't last  even a day without using technology. We have phones, laptops, iPads, TV's  and many of us couldn't bear the thought of going without Wi-Fi. Many will try to deny it, but its the cold hard truth. 

Are you at risk of turning into a ZOMBIE?  Do you know any friends displaying these warning signs?

WARNING SIGN 1 - Is your Instagram filled with nothing but selfie pictures?

EFFECTS: Risk of Narcissism, Lowered-Self Esteem, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

WARNING SIGN 2 - Arrive to a restaurant and immediately presses waiter for Wi-fi password?

EFFECTS: Social Anxiety Disorder

WARNING SIGN 3 - Refuses to order anything on the menu because there are no yelp reviews?

EFFECTS: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

WARNING SIGN 4 - Up all night checking social updates? 

EFFECTS: Anxiety, Insomnia, Paranoid Disorder 

WARNING SIGN 5 - Texting, Listening to Music, and SnapChatting while out with friends?

EFFECTS: Delusional Disorder, Acute Distress Disorder, Seperation Anxiety Disorder 

What do you think? Is technology doing more harm than help? 

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