Everything Sony Told Us About the Future of PlayStation


Pull your gaze from Nintendo's bedazzling Switch for a moment and consider Sony's now widespread PlayStation 4. Console sales have in general outperformed the most buoyant analyst and pundit prognostications. Not merely because of Nintendo's overnight dark horse, or its scarce as hen's teeth NES Classic. Sony's PlayStation 4 is having some belt-notching moments of its own.

Sony now says its flagship games platform has sold-through—meaning to buyers and not just stores—close to 60 million units worldwide since its launch in November 2013. That, according to Sony global game development boss Shawn Layden, is the fastest pace set by any PlayStation, life-to-date, including the all-time industry record holder PlayStation 2.

"As you'll recall, last year we performed the daredevil stunt of launching three new pieces of hardware in 60 days. Probably won't do that again," quips Layden during a sit-down with TIME. He's talking about the $399 PlayStation 4 Pro (a souped up PlayStation 4 that outputs way snazzier graphics), PlayStation VR (a $399 virtual reality headset that couples with the PlayStation 4 for wraparound alt-reality experiences) and a slimmer, sleeker $299 version of the baseline PlayStation 4. All three arrived last fall, and Sony says sales have been booming.

PlayStation VR now boasts more than one million units sold worldwide, up from about 900,000 in February 2017. According to Sony, it's been sold out from day one. "We don't see it as a fad, it's a brand new medium, not only for gaming entertainment, but non-gaming entertainment," says Layden. And of every five PlayStation 4s Sony sells, Layden says one is a PlayStation 4 Pro, a laudable achievement given its $100 price premium, enthusiast target demographic and the nascency of the 4K television market (where it's real allure lies).

Read more here: http://time.com/4804768/playstation-4-ps4-pro-psvr-sales/
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