3D Printing An Object Using Just Your Mind

You have the potential to quite literally create the 3D-printed design of your dreams.

3D printing has really come a long way in the last few years and we can see 3D printers produce a number of different objects, they're being used in a variety of different market spaces. From being used for culinary needs or helping to build houses, cars, or body parts, it seems like the potential for 3D printers is rather limitless. And it feels like we've only just begun to discover what these amazing machines can do for us and how they might be able to improve our standard of living.

One company in Chile discovered that they were able to produce a 3D object using thought alone.

Specifically, the Chilean-based startup Thinker Thing, was the first one to create an object using a 3D printer and thoughts alone, and they did that back in 2012. Their Thinker Thing system is able to use Emotive EPOC EEG headset technology in order to map an individual's brainwaves.

The company's software, Emotional Evolutionary Design, is able to display a building block shape on the computer screen and from there the shape is able to change and evolve according to the user's positive or negative reactions to the changes; they are going to be monitored by the headset.

As the headset is able to process the brainwaves and the brain feedback, then the shapes are going to change accordingly, with the disliked images fading away. The process gets repeated until the final object that is produced is a design according to the thought preferences of the headset wearer.


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