Drones Are Ready To Join The UPS Fleet

Just this week, UPS successfully tested a new drone delivery system that has been developed by a company known as Workhorse Group.

The system was developed over a year ago, and the drone is called the HorseFly UAV. It is able to carry packages that weigh up to 10 lbs and can fly for about 30 minutes at a time.

The drone itself is able to be recharged by being docked on the roof of an electric UPS delivery truck. The UPS employee is able to load the packages into the truck and then confirm the flight path. They just this week were able to use the program and it was successful in delivering packages to customers in Florida.

There are various benefits cited that this could mean for UPS:

  • help lower costs, it's estimated that saving even 1 mile of driving distance per day for each drive would save the company about $50 million or more every single year
  • helps them compete with Amazon and other delivery companies, and they too are looking to have their own drones get involved in delivering.
  • assist the driver in helping delivers to get out quicker

Aside from UPS, there are already a number of companies who have been looking to include drones in their delivery process. Amazon has even considered parachuting parcels into the backyards of their customers. However, there are still a number of regulatory hurdles that these companies must go through first, before you'll get your delivers via parachute etc.

As current rules stand, the operators of the drones need to remain in sight of them so that leaves out the option of letting the drone take one delivery while the driver carries on to the next and meets up with them at the next stop. Until the rules are changed, the company won't be able to use the drones to their full extent in deploying them from one location to another, to assist the drivers in deliveries simultaneously.

Banner Thanks to @son-of-satire


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