Drones Helping To Detect Sharks And Crocodiles On Beaches In Australia

Drones have proven to be useful in a variety of different settings today in the market.

We now have drones assisting with firefighting, helping to survey land, delivering life-saving medical supplies, food, and other packages, monitoring crops, assisting with cleaning up after traffic accidents, and a lot more.

Another way that drones have proven to be useful is in helping to try and keep beaches safer in Australia. The drones have been employed to help spot sharks and crocodiles in the area.

When it comes to trying to spot any sharks in the water, researchers say that human aerial methods aren't always accurate.

They suggest that people are only accurate perhaps 20 to 30 percent of the time, when trying to distinguish a shark from a boat or some other marine life. Whereas with the drone, researchers say that it performs with an accuracy rate of about 90 percent.

One of the specific drones that has been used in Australia is the Little Ripper drone (seen above) that is estimated to cost around $180,000.

Lifeguards in Australia have already started testing out the drones and undergoing training for them with the official Little Ripper Aviation Academy. Though that isn't the only drone model that's been utilized for this purpose, in other regions of Australia they have been experimenting with other drone varieties for their beach patrols.

Not only are the drones flying overhead to scout for sharks either, but underwater drones are also being used by researchers in other areas as well, providing spectacular views of the animals in the water.

And it isn't only Australia where you might see the drones flying around the beaches looking out for any sharks, they've also been used in South Africa, and considered for beaches in other areas as well.

Also, sharks aren't the only thing that they might help in spotting. In Queensland, where crocodiles are said to be a big issue for tourists and residents, lifeguards there will also be training to use drones to help them spot crocodiles in the area.

It's clear that with drone technology the benefits are huge in that it can provide value in so many different ways, whether that's helping to monitor crops, fight fires, or search for crocodiles and sharks to try and improve safety for beachgoers.

Little Ripper via allaboutcircuits.com


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