Revolutionizing Healthcare By Using Drones To Deliver Medical Supplies

Researchers at Johns Hopkins have been investigating the possibility of using drones to deliver medical supplies for several years now. They have been field testing those drones to try and move medical samples and they think that drones could play a big part in dramatically changing the medical delivery landscape.

The medical samples that would need to be delivered are sensitive and they have been spending a lot of time and resources on trying to figure out how they could make this transportation method viable using drones.

They've been conducting a number of different experiments in order to assess how the travel options might hold up under different settings: temperature changes and turbulence etc. Before they conducted the study they had to spend some time customizing a drone in order to carry out the deliveries; creating their own medical ferry of sorts.

So far, during their tests they have been able to fly their drones for about 40 minutes, traveling about 12 miles at a time. After they fly the samples, they've been taking them back into the lab to be studied and they've found no instances of impact; no damage caused to them during the flight.

They made a refrigerated compartment for the drone and it's lightly insulated so that it isn't that heavy. The refrigerated compartment attaches to the power supply and that is how it is able to control temperature which is monitored from a computer that's located onboard.

Saving Money

Researchers suggest that this transportation method could be used in order to get much needed medical supplies to remote areas, places that are difficult to reach.

Whether it is after a natural disaster or some other accident, this delivery option is looking to be incredibly economical. Researchers suggest that this sort of technology will be able to provide a faster and a cheaper option for moving medical samples between different facilities than traditional methods.

And they aren't just thinking about using this in rural areas or third world countries either, it's suggested that using drones to deliver medical supplies might be a more economical delivery method in urban areas too because of congested traffic in a number of different cities.

Aside from their own tests looking into this delivery option with drones, there are other agencies also looking into the same thing. And drones are currently being used in order to deliver medical supplies in some areas around the world. But they will soon become much more widespread if they start to be used in this way to deliver supplies between different hospitals in major cities and other areas.


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