OnePlus shows off the OnePlus 5 amid image leaks


It's only been two days since OnePlus announced the June 20th launch date for its upcoming OnePlus 5 flagship phone, but it didn't take long before a couple of image leaks popped up, courtesy of Android Police and Slashleaks. With that dual camera, LED flash, antenna bands and shade of gray, commenters were quick to point out the unfortunate resemblance between this device and the iPhone 7 Plus, which is presumably why OnePlus decided to post the above image to make a point. Indeed, from this angle, the OnePlus 5 appears to feature a more unique outline running from the side to the top, but the rest is still practically identical to the iPhone 7 Plus.


Despite the seeming identity crisis, the OnePlus 5 is set to be quite the performance beast -- a role which its predecessors have played in each of their own generation; not to mention that it'll likely be priced competitively like before. The company has already revealed that this phone will be using Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 chipset, and yesterday, @evleaks added that it'll come with a whopping 8GB of RAM, according to some source code he dug up on Amazon India's website. The dual camera will also be enhanced by DxO's input, but of course, we'll be the judges of that when we get our hands on a review unit. Here's hoping that there will at least be a new color design to drive more differentiation, and hey, maybe OnePlus still has a trick or two up its sleeve for June 20th.


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