Solar Energy: A Solution to Epileptic Power Supply

In both developing and underdeveloped nations, power supply is always a problem. If electricity is not available, then it will be the poor distribution would be the problem. Trying other forms of energy, is then advisable. In such areas with epileptic power supply, individuals decide to get generators, but this also have problems. The generators require fuel or diesel, and it's always scarce.


What is Solar energy?

According to the Wikipedia [1],

Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis.


Solar power is indeed the solution, it involves the conversion of light rays from the sun into electricity. This form of electricity can be used in two ways, either directly or indirectly. The direct method makes use of photovoltaics, while the indirect method uses concentrated solar power. In the future, solar power would be the most used form of electricity in the world.


Solar energy is a sustainable energy solution that can serve long-term in Africa, and the world in general. The energy produced by the sun cannot be compared to any other source. It is so powerful. Few years ago, while discussing with someone I was a asked a simple question, if the sun has ever got broken and the world faces a blackout for a week. I am so sure no one have experienced such. That is just to show how powerful the sun is.


No matter the kind of solar energy used, it is surely better than the other forms of energy. Like I said in the onset, generators have been used trying because of electricity challenges in Africa. But this have not solved the problem, the scarcity of fuel, diesel and other essential hydrocarbons have been a big issue. That is why most Africans are seeking for a better energy source. I hope Solar energy is able to help in this regard.

The only issue I see with solar energy is the cost. Getting some needed materials is quite a problem because, they are expensive. For a solar system, solar panels, batteries and inverters are needed. And all three are quite expensive in Africa. With time though, as technology continues to advance, I feel this will help in a drastic price reduction.

This is my opinion on Solar energy, I'm sure you definitely have yours.




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