BiliScreen vs BiliCam App to detect Jaundice and Pancreatic Carcinoma


The Researchers from the University of Washington, in Seattle are in the verge of processing and developing a Smartphone App,dubbed Biliscreen that may be able to modify selfies into a method of capturing a pancreatic cancer in the very early stage. This gives a good tuning point to improve the outcome in this issue. 

Well , occurrence of the pancreatic cancer usually goes through the stage of jaundice. During this stage, there is the yellow discoloration of the mucous membrane ,below the skin and the Sclera (white part of the eye) caused due to the increased bilirubin in the blood. But, its only visible as the disease progresses in advanced stage. 

A total of 70 healthy volunteers compared the result form the findings that they got from assessing the serum bilirubin test.During this study, the app was synchronized with the 3D printed box that maintained the eye's exposure to the light. This experiment showed that the Biliscreen could identify the cases with a sensitivity of 89.7% and a specificity of 96.7% when combined with the 3D printed box accessory .

Checking the BiliScreen through 3D printed box   (credit)

As said by the Lead author Alex Mariakakis, " The algorithm for this App is fully machine-learning based, that means the more database of the bilirubin levels, the better it could be in the result" . He even emphasized that , although it measure the jaundice a marker, and the jaundice as a symptom of pancreatic cancer, the pathogenic or the how did the disease roused up cannot be identified. As this is a older lab project, if this Application goes well, the approval for this by the FDA when it start working well is difficult to carry out. 

"Jaundice is also followed by the Gilbert's syndrome , hepatitis and even alcoholism"explaind by Mariakakis .He emphasized that he is particularly interested in the pancreatic cancers as he has friends and family affected from this disease and this is the reason he wanted to focus on this. The motivation lead to this outcome. 

Doorway through the eye into the body 

Eye's are really very interesting .[1] The tears has a role in giving the result of how much glucose you have, Sclera can tell you the measurement of bilirubin in your blood ."Can we identify and catch the changes that may lead to the earlier detection with the selfie? " as said by the Senior Shwetak Patel,Phd, The Washington Research Foundation. 

Currently, there is the blood test in the gold standard for measuring the Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB). Some where, there is the use of non-invasive methods like Transcutaneous Bilirubinometer. This is mainly applicable for the newborns but not to the adults. This is because the normal concentration of bilirubin in the neonate is higher compare to the normal adult.

In the earlier stages, there was the development of smartphone app called as BiliCam, that was designed in such a way that it measured the accurate Total Serum Bilirubin values. As the study continued and the result got published showing a total of 530 Infants in the Pediatric cases about the TSB values by the BiliCam application .

So why not use the Bilicam App instead for BiliScreen App ? 

Since this thought came to my mind and looked for it. It just twisted my mind a little . It simple !

BiliCam App testing in the Infants  (credit)

As you know, the Sclera which is the white part of your eye is more sensitive than the Skin. On top of that, the bilirubin has a high affinity to the elastin tissue which is mainly present in the eye more than in the skin. This lead to the Non-invasive screening tools that could detect the disease in the early stages. 

This BiliScreen application uses the built-in smartphone's camera to collect the photos of the Eye. The Sclera part is then extracted from the image using the computer vision. Then, the calculation of the color information is generated which is mainly based on the wave-lengths of the light being reflected and absorbed and it then co-relates with the bilirubin level by help of machine-learning algorithms. 

The BiliScreen application has a great role on the measuring with the BiliCam. Since the skin color varies from people to people in different part of world, the Sclera remain consistent across all the people of different races and ethnicities. 

" Removing out the glass or box or an accessory ltogether will be good and usable" as said by the Mariakakis. If something in the picture can be precised with color, then taking that as a reference, there will be no need of glass or box to verify it. 

People who already have a pancreatic cancer has to go through daily early morning samples of Bilirubin Serum sample test. To control the Invasive methods, this app working as Non-invasive type can have a huge support on their worries. 

This study has received endowment funds by the Washington Research Foundation and even by the Coulter foundation. The National Science Foundation also has some contribution in this Project. 

And if you have time , then please do watch this Video , it explains everything . 

via-  TomoNews US 


This is all for today . Stay connect to know about more on the health issue. 


With love 


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