Teleportation - the future is closer than we think.


What comes to mind when you hear the word teleportation? I recall in this movie "The Fly" was released in theaters in 1986, the hero is teleported beings, split them into atoms. But his experiment ended quite tragically.


There was also the so-called experiment with the destroyer "Aldridge" or the Philadelphia Experiment.

According to supporters of the abnormal phenomena on October 28, 1943 at the naval base in Philadelphia (USA), a destroyer escort DE-173 "Eldridge" under the influence of powerful electromagnetic fields out of sight with the crew and ... there was 350 km away from this place in Norfolk. A few seconds later the ship reappeared in Philadelphia. Not all the sailors have returned from this "traveling" sound. 13 people died of burns, electric shock, or simply fear.


The US Navy has not officially confirmed the experiment, but the rumors about him are widespread. Extant sailors from "Eldridge" command deny the experiment and consider the statements about him fiction and falsehood.

So, teleportation, only whether it is a word from the sci-fi books and movies of the stories about space adventures where the characters in seconds overcome huge distances via teleport?

While this seems to be something fantastic, but it is only when it comes to subjects.

But there is also a quantum teleportation.

In quantum teleportation does not occur move an object from one place in space to another - as in teleportation in the usual sense of the word. With the help of quantum teleportation teleport, that is instantly moves, not the object itself, and the state of the object. We can teleported state, such as atoms or ions, as well as their individual characteristics.


Physicists at the California Institute of Technology back in 1998 for the first time teleported a photon at a distance of only about one meter. Distances have increased since then, but still it works for the most part, only with photons.

Successful experiments for the quantum teleportation over a distance of eight kilometers in urban areas conducted independently by scientists in China and Canada. According to the newspaper South China Morning Post, before similar experiments were conducted only in the laboratory.

A group of researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China, led by professors Pan Jianwei and Zhang Qian implemented teleportation of photons over a distance of 12.5 km in the city of Hefei (eastern province of Anhui). For this purpose conventional fiber-optic network. And their Canadian counterparts, led by physicist Wolfgang Till, conducted a similar experiment in the city of Calgary (southwestern Alberta) at a distance of 8.2 km.

Wоlfgang Tittel, prоfessor in the Department оf Physics and Astrоnomy at the University of Calgary. 

The results of the present experiments were published in the scientific journal Nature Photonics, details

Although these experiments are still very far from fulfilling the teleportation of live objects, or even inanimate objects, however, quantum teleportation has great prospects. It is carried out through a fiber-optic network, and can bring a new level of security and reliability of internet -compounds.

The results of two independent experiments showed that quantum teleportation is possible over long distances and loss of information, as well as its distortion does not occur.

Thus, we see a major breakthrough in this direction, until recently, which seemed absolutely fantastic.

Some scientists now claim as soon as possible even human teleportation.


Professor Michio Kaku of the City University of New York, convinced that human teleportation technology elsewhere in the world, or even a point in space will be achievable within a few decades, or at least the next century.

"Once we physicists openly laughed at this. We laughed when someone is talking about teleportation and invisibility. But what we do not laugh - we realized that all the time were wrong".
"Quantum teleportation is already there. In fact, we took our film crew, went to the University of Maryland and really filmed atom teleportation. He was moved from one room to the other".
"So at the atomic level, we can do it. This is called quantum interconnectedness. I think that within a decade we will be able to teleport the first molecule. "

Bold statements, is not it?

Michio Kaku says that the next step will be the teleportation of photons on the moon, when in 2020, is expected to once again set foot human leg on its surface.

Anyway, scientific advances in this direction have already given rise to expectations of further surprising results.

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