2 To The Power Of 31: How an iPhone chess app broke the mathematical limits of older iPhone models.

Not so Deep Blue

2 to the power of 31 is a big number. A really big number! Especially to any iPhone or iPad made before mid-2013, as the Chess.com app for it really starts to break with such a larger integer.

The https://www.chess.com/ site is a very popular site and over 2 billions games of chess have been played on it - including many by myself.


App crash!

When the app went above this integer the app just crashed, and this was only noticed last Saturday on various blogging and social media sites. People were at odds to why this was happening?

This is not the first integer that has broke the internet. Back in 2012 when Psy's 'Gangnam Style' went viral, it actually broke the youtube counter with its 2 billion+ views. The limit had been set by youtube at a mere 2,147,483,647 views.

As for Chess.com, the real problem seemed to lie in the 32 bit devices ability to go beyond the 2 to the power of 31 search depth. Only the new devices from mid-2013 onwards that are 64 bit can go beyond this limit.

I currently have the latest iPad in space grey, and with only 32G storage it sails through the Chess.com calculations with ease. I'm still trying to find an old iPhone model from my family and friends that tests this hypothesis. It seems the older models are not quite Deep Blue. Garry Kasparov would've been proud!


P.S. For more info on Garry Kasparov and Deep Blue - click here.

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