Thoughts about the future, Cryptocurrency, Mass adoption and More: PART 2

Future Inventions, Technology, Revolution, Accessibility:

However it wasn't until after my first blogpost on Steemit that I became interested in all of it and searched for answers beyond the surface.... Read Part 1.. 

I learned a whole lot in the last few months and now that I don't feel like a complete foreigner anymore, I feel very passionate about taking action to make it more accessible for "the average social media user", and believe that Steemit can serve as a great bridge/introduction to the still foreign topic to most: cryptocurrency. In fact maybe it is exactly what the cryptoworld needed to attract mass users and next generations, since there is no denying any longer that social media IS already the future. I'm currently working on a project to help make this future revolution more accessible, educational and interesting especially for fellow millenials and even gen z.  

Yes digital coins have been around for over 5 years, but in my opinion for such a major change to occur (replacing central banks) I'm assuming that it is going to take longer than the internet time span until mass use, simply because the internet wasn't replacing anything, it was "only" the biggest revolution and addition, after television. Now if something was invented, a machine where you didn't have to go to a doctor any longer and you could cure yourself at home, do you think all doctors would be jobless by tomorrow? Probably not, because revolutions don't happen overnight. Now Bitcoin is the only term a larger minority of people have heard of and we've just reached the 7 year mark (same time of when the internet mass use began). Therefore I believe that from 2017 on we can begin to predict/expect, make assumptions and no year before that. Slowly but steadily doubts and fears will become less and Steemit could serve as the best catalyzer to fasten the process. 

Generation Selfi(e)sh 

I believe one of the main problems we see on social media platforms is the trolling, hate and decrease in valuable content (I'm aware that value is subjective. Just to clarify, I'm talking about something that feeds your mind or soul VS. duckface selfie) and the loneliness in terms of that everyone is caught up in their social media universe, trying to portray themselves in a certain way, while the social aspect of social media becomes less real if that makes any sense. 

Now two things, 1. I don't have a problem with such content (fun, lifestyle, entertainment), but I believe in a healthy balance and thought through work and 2. I alway encourage the use of the powerful tool social media and it's a proven fact that you are missing out if you don't apply it to your business. The internet age has created endless opportunity and has created THE careers of the century: influencer, personal brands, online boutiques, small business owner, brand ambassadors, insta-models, youtuber etc. Every picture, caption, video posted with the intention to shape an image and appeal to a certain audience. Young teenagers haven't changed, but technology and the given role models (from my generation) have. Young teens have and will always look for role models and older teens/ young adults to copy, look up to and learn from. We all have had childhood heroes, you did too. Now imagine you were born in 2007, what are your options to choose from? 

Kim Kardashian instead of Kim Possible (if you're a 90s child you understand). I personally don't have a problem with figures like her and admire some of the business strategies, but think there is a lack of diversity and lasting positive effect on such large audience. However instead of disliking the direction gen z is heading towards, I think the only way to make a change is by going where they are and offering another option. Crypto I think, just like social media as well is something the educational system doesn't inform students about before it's already globally used by the mass. So the challenge is going to be to make it as appealing as possible and spread the benefits of decentralization through social media. Through blockchain blogging in particular I hope that the side-effect of decreasing trolling and increasing the value of content will not only change the atmosphere in our digital universe, but change the realness and appreciation of value of the upcoming generation..

Why through social media?

Well because once again... it's all about ATTENTION. Attention is the asset and the internet, pardon... I mean Social Media currently owns it.    

Disclaimer: That was my first take on the topic, a millenial p.o.v. I'm no scientist, nor a fortuneteller. These are simply thoughts I have that I wanted to share. I would love to hear your opinion, so as always feel free to leave your thoughts, appreciate your comments.  


Much love,  

- Mrs.Steemit 

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