Teleportation: The Ultimate Revolution in Transportation

Time is the most valuable commodity of life. Rich or Poor we all get the same amount of time in life. How one makes the use of this time determines his life. Due to lack of proper transportation we are forced to be away from our dear ones. Don't know about anyone else,but it has certainly affected me. At this point the only thought I have is,"Wish there was a transportation system that could carry me to my dear ones in a second". 

         In industrial life the alternative name for money is time. Due to non-availability of proper transportation system a significant amount of time is lost in vain. New technologies are emerging which are lowering this loss by introducing some superfast transportation systems like the newly emerging Hyperloop train. But this boost in the speed is still miniscule compared to the time we lose.

         In the conventional transportation system the carrier for transporting a body is physical. In the ancient time this carrier used to be an animal. Later with the invention of wheels engine vehicles had taken the place of the animal. These wheeled vehicles were followed by the inventions like the aeroplane,helicopter,maglev trains,bullet trains and the latest hyperloop trains. Even these vehicles could not ease up the large time loss. Thus the problems lies in the speed of the carrier. 

What if we use a carrier that is has the maximum speed in the universe,light. the process is analogous to the communication system. In the communication system, a message is modulated(changed to some other form) using a suitable carrier so that it can be effectively transmitted and received by the receiver. In a similar way if we convert a human being to an electrical signal and transmit it in the electromagnetic waves i.e. light, the transportation time is reduced in a tremendous amount which can transform the transportation system. Thus, teleportation could give us the ultimate and reliable solution to this problem. The movie Star Trek gave us the concept of teleportation. For a long time teleportation has been considered nothing other than a science fiction. But in the recent times it has been discovered that teleportation is possible. Using the concept of Quantum Mechanics it has been shown theoretically that an object can really be teleported. In fact, some particles like photon,electrons has already been teleported in some laboratories around the world. Thus, we may hope that it will be possible to teleport human beings also. I wish it happens in my lifetime. I can be with my Mumma and my loved ones most of the time. Hope the day comes very soon.


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