Goodbye Evernote: Privacy Policy Update Allows Employees to Read Your Notes

The latest update to Evernote's privacy policy has angered users of the popular note-taking app. Myself included. The update allows certain employees to access and read your notes in order to improve the machine learning technology.

Not surprisingly, this his not gone over well for many users. Evernote also recently placed stricter limits on the number of devices that you could use the app on with a free account. You can now only use the free version on two devices. On top of that, they have raised the price of the premium version of the app.

Here is the paragraph that has caused the most controversy.

"If you would prefer to opt out of machine learning technologies on your content (including some which require some human review for oversight purposes), you can do so in your account settings, where it says, 'Allow Evernote to use my data to improve my experience.' If you do opt out, however, you may not be able to get the most out of your Evernote experience.

"And please note that you cannot opt out of employees looking at your content for other reasons stated in our Privacy Policy (under the section, "Does Evernote Share My Personal Information or Content?")."

So even if you do not want Evernote employees looking at your content, you cannot opt out. The only way out of allowing Evernote employees to read your notes is by deleting the app.

I was an Evernote user for a long time and love the app, but their recent device limit, price increase, and now the terrible privacy policy has finally led me to delete the app. Goodbye, Evernote.

What app do you use to take notes? Please let me know in the comments!


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