Something about «USB Kill 2.0»

Already old news but still, if you suddenly need urgently to check for immunity to voltage spikes a couple of laptops, tablet or anything else, is equipped with a port USB 2.0, simultaneously turning insufficiently protected unfortunate device unusable pile of burnt electronics, be sure to pay attention to the gadget, developed by USBKill. com! Guys created a USB flash drive, which called «USB Kill 2.0» and will be able to help with these complex tests.

image of flash

Works "flash drive killer" is very simple: the USB-connectors almost any device can not withstand sudden surges. When you insert a port «USB Kill 2.0», she quickly recharge the capacitors and the same lightning discharge pulse through the USB data bus, and then continue to repeat this procedure until the device stops charging a USB flash drive, imploding

Before they start selling this useful gadget, developers are tested on their equipment and were very happy that almost all computers and other devices equipped with a USB connector, do not stand bullying and quickly burn out. The creators said that burned a pile of equipment, turning it into a lot of useless junk laptops and computers from different manufacturers, TVs, tablets, copiers and other things. But burn the new MacBook does not work - there protected USB-ports. The device does not destroy data, however, it is likely that in the course of work and can bang hard drives or SSD certain models.

Makeweight to the "flash drive killer" company offers to buy USB Protection Shield, device, test USB Killer job. The price of "killer" - 26 dollars , and USB Protection Shield will rise more in the $ 14.

The developers have positioned "the stick-killer" and USB Protection Shield as a set for testing the stability of equipment to voltage drops and other troubles of this kind, so it is strongly recommended for all electronics manufacturers to buy the device.

If you want, you can buy it/or read more here -

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