Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of Classrooms & Schools?

Is this the end of Classrooms and Schools?

Having a passion for Technological Innovation and Education I am always on the look out for trends associated with shifts that are as a result of advances in technology.

This morning I had an amazing chat with a fully qualified School Teacher who has recently decided to leave the Education System as a result of a number of disheartening factors.

The list of reasons was quite overwhelming, but if I had to select just a few, they were; lack of funding in school infrastructure, lack of support for teachers, lack of appreciation, lack of enthusiasm from children and a real sense of disconnect of the education system from the real world.

The conversation was by no way a means for her to vent her anger, far from it.

If anything it was a wake up call from someone explaining the concerns with firsthand experience.


The reason why I wanted to share with you the chat I had was that the topic of STEEMIT came into the conversation.

She was asking what it was I was involved in and I quickly gave her a rundown of what STEEMIT was about.

Her reaction may come as a shock to some of you.

A World without Classrooms and School as we know them!!

The part of the conversation that took me quite off guard was when she said that it was her belief that she could see a World without Classrooms and Schools as we know them today, within the next 25 years.

Without hesitating she supported this by simply saying "Online..!!"

I will come to this in a minute.

Dilapidated Buildings

I asked her if she had to choose one single concern that she had about the current Educational Schooling System, she said that was easy, "Funding..!!"

It was the lack of funding in the school infrastructure that was the number one concern of the majority, if not all teaching staff.

The schools are simply crumbling around the children.

What is the Solution

When I realised that what she was saying made absolute sense I asked her what she thought was the solution.

"That is easy...." she replied, "...a total rethink of the Education System..!!"

The conversation simply went back to "Online..!!"

It was at this point that she then explained that over the last couple years there has been a mass migration of homework being done on online.

"Why stop there..??" was her question.

It was at this point then that I was educated as she explained a new way of teaching. "Online Teaching..!!"

I was then given a website to check out .... "Hegartymaths".

Online Teaching

For the ones unfamiliar it appears that this could well be the future of Education and that Classrooms and Schools will be reshaped into more; Social, Sporting and Interactive Centres.

Families of the Futures

Could the future see children being taught at home, or at Day Centres where teachers are actually replaced by screen and online educational systems.

Let's face it, parents are losing their jobs to robots so it's not a matter of the parents not being at home..!!

Schools 25 years ago

Could we really see the end of Classrooms and Schools in the next 25 years?

You only have to look back 25 years ago to the year 1992 and realise that most people had never even experienced being on the Internet at that time..!!

So I guess I should ask the question again, "...could we really see the end of Classrooms and Schools in the next 25 years?" ......"...Probably, YES..!!"

Thanks again for reading.


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