Google's Floating Data Centers Harness Kite Energy.

After rolling out self-driving cars, Google is literally testing the waters by unleashing their floating data centers in American waters by harnessing kite energy.

How does it work? I'll explain in detail. 

In 2009, Google was in the process of pioneering this technology by mounting computer data centers of barges using seawater to decrease the temperature. With their recent innovation that may revolutionize energy industry, the process involves utilizing  an airborne rigid kite which seems to incorporate the technology via a airborne wind turbine, AWT for short, that connects the ship via electrically conductive tether.

 According to the patent application filed with the US Patent and  Trademark Office sometime in May 2016, the windmill-like kite consists of a  number of turbines mounted on a rigid wing, and is meant to soar over  water at high altitudes. 

Hmm. A windmill-like kite that utilizes several turbines mounted on a rigid wing; this perhaps could be used in development of next-generation drones, fighter jets, or commercial, unmanned aircraft like passenger jets. Or even space shuttles!!

Hopefully, they won't be outfitted with secret microphones that spy on and collect data on unsuspecting passengers for quality assurance and feedback, then I'm sold.

Getting back to the subject,  The innovative and revolutionary technology of the AWT has two functions, and can be used to both steer the vessel and generate electricity for it. Really impressive; if only for the fact that it can be used, possibly, for the construction of power plants. A foolish idea I admit. But it's fun to speculate just how many directions this could go.

Aside from it's capabilities, the ship is also capable of generating it's own fuel   by drawing out carbon monoxide, including hydrogen gas from seawater, refining, and then converting it to ethanol.  Let that one sink in for a minute. We're talking about a completely NEW method of creating fuel; from a ship. No need to drill the ground, underwater, or engage in pointless and destructive wars to seize control of oil like we did in Iraq. All that can come to an end when this technology is available.

What does this mean in the long run? It could mean the end of our dependence on foreign nations for oil!! It could mean the end of the fake war on terror that has devastated so many lives, ruined our status as the world's police, and quite possibly, end the power of the Elites that run our world from the shadows!! All with the prospect of having a sustainable fuel and electricity source for not only America, but the world!! Having mobile data centers on sea will not only be cost-effective, but also environmentally friendly.

A bright future for humanity awaits.

However, Google, like so many other corporations in the world, are keeping the nature of this technology under wraps, with little to no leaks as I suspect will happen in the future. But for now, this is exciting news for the potential of this technology that will fundamentally change how we utilize and harness energy consumption in our everyday lives.

The possibilities of this revolutionary technology is endless!!

Need I say more?

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