Thermal Apocalypse

Several months ago the climate began to change radically; the waters of the sea have frozen. Now the times are totally different, we’re all dying of cold, hypothermia is the main protagonist of many deaths, there’s no kinds of animal alive, all of them have died by freezing, the cold has finished with everything we had ever known, I still remember those times when the sun came out every morning and we complained about the heat, now it's just the opposite, darkness is our only companion and darkness is everything that surrounds us, everything started when the tectonic plates moved and changed places because of a strong tremor in the Antarctic what led as a consequence a frightening cold wave.


I don’t know what can I do to reverse the damage and the people who wanted to do it have died in the attempt, I don’t know what day it’s today, nor how many days have passed since that catastrophe occurred, I can’t even know if it’s day or night, time goes by so slowly while life ends faster.

I’ve had to change shelters several times, since the cold wave is getting stronger, the bible was told some stories about the world ending in a climatic apocalypse and I never thought that this could happen or could even be real, until now that I'm living it, it's amazing to see how the people freeze behind you as they try to flee from this frightening cold, it's so surprising to witness when a frozen body falls at your feet and breaks leaving thousand pieces in the ground, it's as if they became a kind of very fragile glass.

Survivors are becoming less, the cold has become our greatest predator, lurks like a tiger to its prey, until it corners us and devours us one by one, it seems that something macabre is happening to us, it’s as if the devil himself was having fun with us.

I don’t want to give up, I don’t think this will be forever, although it’s very difficult to continue surviving in this way, I only eat frozen human flesh, I don’t want to die that way, I don’t resign myself to this being my end , I still need many things to live, I want to know love and feel that first kiss, I would like to have children and watch them grow up, I dream of becoming old and having a big family, I cannot die without even having lived.

Sometimes I cannot discern between what’s a dream and what’s the reality, my desire to live so many that when I sleep I dream of a new dawn, is it true that God exists? and if there is, why have you abandoned me? Sometimes I think that God does not send proofs that one can not overcome and this helps me endure a little more.

The days pass and I already almost without strength, I find myself in a cave away from civilization with tears on my face, I remember the life I will never have, the children I never saw and I miss that love that was never, I turned my gaze towards the entrance to the cave and everything looks frozen, but the cold is over, I do not know if I'm dying but I do not feel it anymore, suddenly I see a bird walk into the cave, maybe it's an angel that comes for me , I do not know if I'm delirious or it's just a dream, what I do know, is that he comes walking towards me, I try to sit down so I can touch it, I take it in my hands and I can feel its warmth, it's beautiful, I could not believe it, I got up from where I was lying down to walk out of the cave and I could not believe what my eyes saw, my heart began to beat quickly and my soul was full of joy again, my eyes saw the light again, the birds fluttered in the sky, I cried like a girl, my knees bent falling to the floor or to thank God for this new beginning, you could see how the ice began to melt, and the bad had happened and this was a new opportunity for those who had survived.

And the light was reborn and with it my desire to live, today I profess everything that happened and I dedicate myself to having the life that I dreamed so many days, if I did not die of cold it is because I have another opportunity to realize my dreams and live my life fully, I will not die without having lived before.

They say that when the night is darker it is because it is not long before dawn.

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