Tell Your Story Contest- My Story

I like to think of myself as an average American gal. I'm not a young adult anymore, but I'm not old! My life isn't a thrilling roller coaster, but its not dead and uneventful, either. I've been married to @goatgarden since I was 18. We have four kids. He has a job outside the home. I did until our second child came along. Since 2005, I've been a stay at home mom. My work uniform is an apron. I cook, clean, do the child rearing, homeschool the kids, and am active at church.


I was a facebook addict, using it as my little escape from daily tasks. For fun, I love to sew. I am content with where we live and our family life. @goatgarden is always on the lookout for ways to improve our lives monetarily.

He also watches a lot of YouTube videos on how-to's, whether it be on repairing a car, making a shelf, or bettering our homestead. One day he told me we needed to check out Steemit. He had seen a video by American Homestead ( @mericanhomestead ) mentioning Steemit. So he looked it up, and we did our introductions.
I have only written a handful of posts so far, but have plans to cover the way we homeschool, recipes, and life in our neck of the woods. My interests and hobbies include coffee, sewing, goats and chickens. My husband got me a Cricut for my birthday, so I also am learning how to use it to make some really neat crafts like birthday cards and personalized t-shirts.

That's Fonzie and me!

Since joining Steemit, I believe my worst experience has been flagging someone. I have no idea how I did it. I know it was late and I was on my phone browser, and I was dozing off and on. But later, like the next day or so, when I was checking out my pages, I saw I had flagged someone. I immediately unflagged, and felt so very bad. The lesson I learned- Do Not Steemit when you're too tired. It can cause trouble.

My best experience? Walking through Korea, seeing things through @slowwalker 's eyes. Riding the waves with @surfermarly. My mouth watering, seeing the food made by @gringalicious and @zkalemiss, along with the latter's pictures of Greece. Memories of my grandma surfacing as @old-guy-photos shared his fried apples recipe. And best of all, getting to meet with live people at the Steemy Summer party in Kansas City. My eyes are being opened to other parts of the world!

I love seeing the pictures from other countries! And the food from foreign kitchens! A whole new excitement for life has awakened in me. It makes me want to travel, which I never really wanted to do before.
I am also asking myself many times throughout the day, "Is this Steemit worthy?" A lot of the time, my answer is, "No. This is too boring." But once in a while, the answer is, "Yes!" Then a new blog is born.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. The contest is open for two more days. Please, tell us your story!

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