My Life Before Steemit : Tell Your Story Entry

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Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life - Confucius

I believe Steemit is the future of social networking. A type of platform where you are being compensated of your ideas. This is the reason why I got hooked, plus the new evolving blockchain technology.

My Life Before Steemit

During the past four years, I've been studying as an Electronics and Communications Engineering Student. I'm currently a 5th year student, graduating. I was a working scholar, working 5 hours a day in a university office and the rest is studies in exchange of a full free grant. It was tiring, but fun. Having elected as a President of our organization during my third year. Also offering some tutorials to sustain my needs as a student because the allowance from my mom isnt enough to compensate my needs.

I've tried a blogging platform before named BUBBLEWS.COM. The type of compendasation is different from Steemit. No voting power and every like and comment is just equivalent to $0.01 - UNLIMITED. Got some good revenues from that site but eventually fall down due to bankruptcy. This is also my intuition to Steemit - ITS SUSTAINABILITY.

How I was introduced to Steemit

I got a classmate who was a member of Steemit for almost a year where he shared this website. I tried reading the platform, he also shared some information for me to understand thr overall concept of Steemit. THEN I GOT HOOKED.

Who introduced me to Steemit?

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The classmate that I mentioned was @themanualbot. A big thank you and salute to him.

Whats your Channel topic?

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  • I mainly talk about Sports ( Football and Basketball)
  • Inspirational Blogs
  • Soon I'll be posting about Cruptocurrencies
  • Engineering / Technology

Hobbies and Interest

My hobbies and interests reflect the channel/topics that I am posting. Football is really the top of my interest. Unfortunately, since our country is a Basketball crazy country. It's like a religion here (Philippines). I also got hooked to basketball. I also got addicted to computer game DOTA 2. I got a peaked mmr of 4.5k but I quit for my education.

Best and Worst experiences in Steemit

BEST Experience

One of the best experience that I have here is when I was a week old. I got an amazing $71 payout for just a single post! It was amazing and I really got hooked to post more in steemit. I wanna be a whale and it takes time and effort to achieve it.


I think this is the top experience for Steemit users - ZERO PAYOUT in a post. I got for 3 times and it was frustrating, losing hope to post more in steemit. But I realized that I'm the reason why the payout was zero. I posted crappy content. I learned from that Worst experience.


To be honest, Steemit is like a part time job for me. I got hooked because for me, the compensation was great. Its realy rare having a blogging website that pays much. So I got hooked by now, but I will be focusing more on my profession as soon as I graduate and become a licensed Electronics Engineer.

Maybe Steemit wouls become a past time for me, or just to express my life. But right now, Steemit is extremely important to me. Thank you Steemit!

Hey! Thank you for reading my story.

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