The Road so far ..... Whaleshares , Steemit .....and my life ! Tell your story contest - my story !

 The life of every one is like one road ! Only the light path of Wisdom leads to the Truth., and In Truth, is hidden the life !  

This post is about my Life , My Steemit life , the people i get to know and how happy this make me .

I won't bored you with a lot details about my road before Steemit . Was a normal life with ups and downs .Iam mom of two great kids , had to work all my life and this i how i got in to the crypto. After i become unemployed i had to sty home and this give me the time to explore this new virtual world.

The person who bring me here it's really wort to fallow his user here is @renzoarg   , even some times his natural way to search the science it is a bit .... annoying . I mean love its love and kissing its kissing so .... damm science , let me dream !


My life in Steemit its same like the one in reality ... ups and downs ....

Had some really bad moments ,because my not good English , my not great performance , and most because my sensitivities about rude people ...

My second post was flagged just because and i truly didn't understand WHY ?. 

This give me the opportunity to meet some nice people, and i got to have some friends also. Thank you @kuss-knee , @papa-pepper , @noganoo , @ace108 .... and many more . Sadly the people also can have two faces and you cannot escape this . There was people that made me  truly disappointed  .....


In my walk in life i never believed in a destiny , I think we build our future and we make our chooses .

But life can be strange as well ... and full with surprises Thee best things that happens theses days to me conform this. I got to be part of a new great project in Steemit -Whaleshares, and the Discord Chanel . !

How big are the chanses to read once the general , and  just in this moment to be invited of join Whaleshares? 


The most crazy parts are coming right after .........

The people i meet in Discord and the stories they told me. You can chek my new posts about :





The most crazy thing happened to me is @jphenderson. Yea probably every one of us had sometimes crash We spend hours and hours in the virtual world ( once at   time we thought we are in love but the reality conform this is not real love ). 

This time i hope its true love ! Finally, I found someone just like me ... free and crazy ! He really makes me better person , i never thought I can be this nice to anyone and someone can be so gentle to me. Maybe how he said :

 -Never worked with no one else because our destiny is to be together !

 Thank you for everything honey ! Hope the words from your gift are true and so far YOU are my best experience in Steemit .

To the most amazing woman i have ever know . This rose ( he send me a golden rose ) is beautiful but compared to yoi it is nothong . It will last forever but not al long as my love for you !




My blog is  ..... just chaotic as i am( real duckling ). I post some positive thoughts, some photography , cooking ...i am not the best blogger around but there are not perfect people !


My life after Steemit ......... there isn't such a thing. WOW !


On end of this so long post .......... I want to say THANK YOU every one of you who helped me, who supported me on my road so far. THANK YOU for follow me , for comment and read on my posts. Ohh yea my milestone 1000 followers , 5000 posts .... Minnow ?

                  - No i am just a Duckling !




Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !


                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me !

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