Tell your story contest - my story

I work in education and before Steemit went online, I lived in Washington. I have am a mathematics and science junkie who watches lectures from Stanford and MIT on YouTube for fun in my downtime.

I heard about Steemit through an article on the internet. I was fascinated that there was a social media sites that would pay people to post. I never had much of an interest in Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other sites. I never had the belief that I would become a millionaire by using Steemit, but it was a fun way to use social media and a great way to be introduced to cryptocurrencies. I, like so many other people, thought about getting into Bitcoin back when it was under $10 only to forget about it until it was making headlines on the news and skyrocketing in value. I feel like Steemit could become the next big thing and it has already made money for a lot of people here.

I have an interest in the math, science, crypto, life, philosophy, silver, and photography channels. I'm not a big player here, but I enjoy reading, commenting, and occasionally submitting my own stories.

I haven't had any negative experiences using Steemit. I think the best experiences have been earning rewards for comments and learning how to use cryptocurrency exchanges. I recently made my first purchase by converting some of my SBD to BTC and it felt really cool to get something in the mail that I earned solely through using this platform. This is a great community and I am lucky to be a part of it.


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