Tell your story contest - my story

Before, steem-it, I was learning photography and did occasional painting by myself. I was familiar with cryptocurrency since one of family members was heavily involved in BTC and LTC mining. Though I heard about steem-it a year back. Looking into steem-it's recent social activities specially the art sections, I decided to join.

My channel topic is all things related to art, photography, crafts etc. I am also following VR developments and interested to create contents for VR in future.

Other than art, I love to watch movies and read non-fictional books.

The best experience from steem-it is that I found like minded communities from whom I can learn and to whom I can share my work. The worst experience is that I am still lacking in publicity to bring in more followers.

Life after steemit: I recently bought DSLR camera and Microsoft Pro 3 to improve my art skills. Steem-it community is providing me lots of inspirations and resources to follow my dreams.

My gears:MyGears.jpg

Daily photography: "Cloudy Mountains"

Mountain cloud.jpg

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