Tell your story contest - My Story

My life before steemit

My life before steem was pretty amazing, I am surrounded with my friends and family.
(me at pink)
Ive been busy with my school stuff, home choir and farm pets.

How I introduced to steemit?

well, I introduced my self by stating my name of course :P and the busy life I have
You may check my post at
@zhaiavee/teacher-s-chronicle-1-involving-my-self-to-steemit-community or you can click my name @zhaiavee

Who introduced me here (mention him - if possible)?

I just heard steemit it from @th3ezz , he told me that by just blogging my precious moment online (which I actually do most of time) I will be able to earn something from it!

What's my channel topic?

well my channel topic mostly about school, work and people. I found it interesting to share since most peeps here at steemit are good in nature.

My hobbies and interests?

hmmm I have so many hobbies and interests, but to name few.
let me start with my everyday hobby. korean drama addiction. ahahaha I really love watching kdrama.
what else.. hmmm. feeding my farm chickens! this is my daily early routine.

My best and worst experiences here?

My best experienced so far is to be a member of @minnowsupport I found cool and nice peeps at discord like @mk40 who is patiently assist me in every step.
worst experienced? hmmmm..
I guess the feeling of being unnoticed by the community. some of my post has been invisible to most of steem peeps. but I know someday someone or more people will notice it.
I'm willing to wait :)

My life after steemit?

Being part of steem is one of the best decision I made. I been in a virtual place where I can share my thoughts, experienced and life perspective with no one to judge me. I will be always be part of steem community.
I'm happy to be a part of steem family :)

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