Ten Facts, One Lie (Wild Thing Edition)

I tend not to like these things, but this challenge has actually grown on me. The posts have given me insight into so many friends who have shared things I wouldn’t otherwise know. Loved @saffisara’s post, and @poet’s, and reading @enginewitty’s actually stunned me so much it took a full day before I could bring myself to comment something more than, “Holy shit, dude. Can I please give you a hug?”

I’m actually feeling a bit fragile today, so I’m gonna be honest and throw that out there. This post may or may not reflect my mood. (Yes, I’m okay. Maybe it’s the rain.)

Anyway, I was nominated for this challenge by @topkpop, and since I love her so much, and my steem-sisters @d-vine, @ilhuna, and @thekitchenfairy also got nominated, I figured I’d go ahead and not let them down.

Right. Here’s a bunch of facts and one lie. Try to guess the lie.

Whoever is the first to guess right wins 1SBD. Good luck!

Lots of True Stuff, With a Lie Thrown In

1.) When I was little I felt sorry for all the stuffed animals who didn’t have homes. This empathy got transferred to real-life critters, and some of my favourite people in the world are those who rescue animals.

2.) I rebelled against the church at the age of 5. I would not allow anyone to push religion on me, but I read the Bible by myself at a young age so I could make my own decisions about its contents.

3.) I rolled my first joint at the age of 14 with one of the blank pages at the back of a Bible, that paper being the thinnest I could think of. It didn’t smoke very well.

4.) I am constantly falling in love with people in different ways. It’s awkward, but wonderful, because I get to see so many variations of love, like falling through a rainbow and a black hole at the same time.

5.) I never fit in as a kid. I was like Hermoinie Granger, but without the thick skin. Some kids in my grade 4 class made me cry every single day. It didn’t toughen me up, it made me hate life. That sense of isolation and seed of anger grew.

6.) I used to say I was part cat, part elf, and part hobbit, but eventually had to admit I’m human. I am also part princess, badass, mountain dweller, ocean mama, gypsy heart, and dragon rider.

7.) Once upon a time I married a punk rocker (a talented, kind hearted man). Then I outgrew the whole punk rock scene. I don’t drink, so… But I’m glad I married him, even for just five years.

8.) This one time, when I was on my way to Sturgis, South Dakota, for the big biker rally there, I stood up and surfed on my motorcycle for about 3 seconds, one hand on the handlebar.

9.) One of my nicknames was “Wild Thing.” I worked in this 50’s diner themed restaurant, with a jukebox on each table. The head server would call me to the kitchen by saying, “Wild Thing in the alley.” I had so much fun dancing, singing and joking around at that job.

10.) While deconstructing a mangled motorcycle one winter’s evening, I pulled a shard of leg bone out of a nook under the engine. I set down my tools, lit a smoke, and said, “Fuck that. I’m done.” The guys laughed and made it into a necklace for the person whose leg had been smashed along with the bike.

11.) A man once told me I saved his life by smiling and taking the time to say hello. He’d recently lost his wife, and his son had been in a bad motorcycle accident. He was planning to ride his Harley into a semi-truck that day. I had no idea. I just stopped to tell him I liked his bike, and pointed out the beauty of the day. A few weeks later, I was riding on the back of his Harley, wind in my hair.

Remember, a simple kindness can be the thing that gives people hope.

12.) I’ve been to 10 countries so far in my life: USA, Canada, France, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Ecuador.

^^ WILD CARD. I’m all rebel-rebel today, so I added a bonus tidbit for ya, which may or may not be the one lie on this page.


More rule bending, and some love.

I am not going to nominate anyone for this challenge. If you’re my friend and do this ten facts thing, please tag me or let me know here so I can read yours.

I’d also like to give some love to everyone who has shared themselves so bravely on this platform. Thank you to those who create safe space for honesty and vulnerability, playfulness and inspiration.

Om shanti.



Katrina Ariel

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