Alright here goes my post for the #tenfactsonelie

Hello everyone,

sorry my facts won't have as many pictures as @kiwiscanfly 's post had. I am still very inexperienced with posting multiple pictures, so please don't hold this against me.

puppy pic.jpg

  1. I almost ate a cockroach when I was a toddler.

  2. I have already lived on 3 different continents.

  3. I hate garlic, but I love home made garlic bread.

  4. When I was 17 I accidentally knocked someones tooth out with a beer mug

  5. Right after I was born, strangers applauded my arrival in this world.

  6. I lived in Kuwait when I was 16.

  7. My husband is the second Partner I ever got intimate with in my life.

  8. When I was in a psychosomatic hospital at the age of 17, I was able to give effective advice to almost all problems anyone had.

  9. I once fell asleep standing in the 2nd row from the stage, at a metal festival.

  10. I used to fence when I was 12 and was supposed to compete at a regional tournament.

  11. My great grandpa helped develop the stealth bomber.

Can you spot the lie? Hehe.
Have fun guessing and please keep this going by nominating 2 others to participate! #tenfactsonelie

I nominate @knitrias and @steemchiller to do this, hehe. (Thank you for bringing this to my attention @knitrias, hehe)

Have a wonderful day everyone :)

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