Ten facts one lie challenge | 十真一假挑战 @shine.wong✨

首先,今天是我steemit满月(30天),我很厚脸皮的告诉大家,我是自己要求举办这个活动哒 :P 猜对有重赏,人人有奖
First, today is my steemit full mouth, I wanna say that I am thick skinned and mentioned myself :P
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Photo by pixabay

规则 - Rules

写出11项和自己有关的描述,其中10个是真的,1个是假的,请大家找出假的那一个。然后点名 5 个人继续接受挑战。
我将提供2 SBD➕此文的SBD收入平均分配给答对的人!

Write down 11 descriptions of yourself. 10 of them are true, 1 is a lie, and please find the lie. Mention 5 more users to continue the challenge.
I will offer 2 SBD and this post's SBD total to the correct answer!
I will offer 1SBD total to the incorrect and upvoted answer!

描述 - Descriptions

1. 我是一个很懒的人,所以我几乎不做家务。
I am a little lazy, and almost don't do housework.

2. 我家最多的时候养了4只纯白的猫咪。
My family used to have up to 4 pure white cats.

3. 我很怕腥,所以海鲜类料理我很挑剔。
I am afraid of fishy smells, so I am very picky about seafood dishes.

4. 我是已婚人士,我的另一半是初恋,长跑10周年那天举办的婚礼。
I am married and my lover is my first love, we wedding when we tenth anniversary of in love.

5. 我的工作是我家固定收入来源。
My job income is family fixed income.

6. 我曾工作于上海市計算技術研究所。
I worked at the Shanghai Institute of Computing Technology.

7. 我不爱吃很甜腻的食物,黑巧克力、黑咖啡、各类无糖饮品是我的最爱。
I don't like too sweet food. My favorites are like dark chocolate, black coffee, and Sugar-free drinks.

8. 我赶在愚人节前一天和我太太表白并确认恋爱关系,并主动亲了她。
I expressed love and confirmation on my love relationship with my wife on the day before April Fool's Day.

9. 最爱的健身软件是Keep,几乎每天会做2-3组运动,但是我很讨厌跑步。
Keep is my favorite fitness APP, almost every day I make two or three set of exercises, and I hate running.

10. 我英语很烂,近一年在培养自己的学习习惯,并努力提升下自己的英语。
My English is not good enough, so I developing my study habits begin the past year to improve my English.

11. 玩过很多游戏,曾经玩LOL的时候和国内WE战队对战过。
I like to play the computer game, I participated vs. WE Team at League of Legends.

@ 郑重邀请!- @ Invitation list!


:P 七天后开奖(5.31,六一前一天),5.30下午2:30统计
Reveal the answer 7 days later



Ten facts one lie challenge results reveal! | 十真一假挑战赛答案揭晓✨

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