10 Random things about me

@twodorks came up with a challenge to share ten random things about yourself. The bionic woman AKA @shadowspub nominated me. I thought - "Why the hell not?"

Egads. Where to start? What would be ten random things that would be interesting? I really was not sure so, I figured I'd go chronologically.

1. I was a boy scout

I did cubs and scouts... it was the thing to do. I ended up attending the big Calgary Jamboree in 1981. It was a big deal for me to travel halfway across the country. Below is a shot of my troop at the Jamboree (the soldier in me cringes at my beret.)
Me, yellow circle, with my troop at the '81 Scout Jamboree

2. I was a teen model and actor

This is a bit funny I was a teenage model and actor. I did a ton of work on the runway and clothing catalogues. Did some commercials, played catch with Steven Baldwin on the set of The Prodigious Hickey. Oh, and I had a fucking perm. Don't judge, it was the 80's.

3. I married my high school sweetheart

My wife and I met at an arcade when we were 16. We married after finishing post-secondary. That was 26 years ago. We have 3 boys. The oldest two are in university.

4. We have a 9-year-old Labradoodle

9 years ago we fell in love with a little bundle of fur. That bundle is now a bounding 70lb fluffball. We call him Caffrey(like the beer.) He loves the water and going for boat rides at the cottage. He still thinks he's a puppy.

5. Certified open water diver

My stepmother is a Master Diver so it follows that I'm a certified open water diver. Did my dive training in the cold and murky waters of Lake Ontario. My boys are also certified open water divers. I did the course a couple times with each of them. It was fun to be their dive buddy on their check-outs.
20140920_113048.jpgTaking a break between dives at the Welland Canal Dive Park

My youngest doing some familiarization dives in the pool with Grampa and Grama

6. I am an extreme coffee consumer

I drink coffee by the litre. I experiment with different types of coffee. Although, I am a purist. I drink it black and refuse to drink flavoured coffee. Some of my favourites are Turkish Coffee and Vietnamese Coffee.

7. I coach sports

I've been coaching minor hockey and lacrosse for 15 years. I did some over the thumb calculations. Over the 15 years, I've coached approximately 5-600 kids. It's a good feeling when you walk through the mall and hear kids yelling - "Hi Coach!"
My youngest getting ready to hit the ice

8. I love to play video games

Ok, I'm probably a first generation console player. I started with the Atari 2600 and played everything up to the XBOX one. Usually, play first-person shooters. I get up pretty early on the weekends so that I can play before the household wakes up.

9. I'm an Introvert

Believe it or not, I'm an introvert. I know I don't seem like one but I would much rather be in my computer lab than out with a group of people. Don't get me wrong. I like to hang out with folks, but only for a bit. It's not you, it's me. It drives my wife nuts at times but we've worked out a system for when it's time to go.

10. I love technology

I'm definitely an early adopter. I love new and emerging technologies. I'm particularly interested in Machine learning and robotics at the moment. The more toys the better. Currently working on a persona-bot.

Anyhow, that's a bit about me. I'm nominating @jayna and @lifesacircus - have fun.


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