@Tippy R&D Post #69420

Edit: Ahh Crap! I meant to select no payout for this post. :/

Doing some more coding on the Tippy project tonight.

Moving onto version 0.0.8 and hoping to get the queue functions built for the tipping, voting and replies. Some more error handling and debugging is needed but it's getting there!

The service will be up and down and there is no guarantee balances will be saved at this time. Please remember this service is currently in the research and development phase and there are bugs to be expected! I take no responsibility for lost STEEM/SBD during the development process!

Hopefully will be able to get lots done over night and get the script finished up and tested so we can get a full launch and release by the end of this month. That is my goal!

You can check if the service is online by checking it's page @tippy! The profile text will tell ya. :)

Progress This Development Session

Having a pretty damn productive night coding. Some of the progress outlined below:

  • Properly implemented fees on SBD and STEEM
  • Added more statistics
  • Fixed block height auto saving
  • Cleaned up some functions
  • Added updatestats function to handle statistics
  • Improved deposit handling and balance updating
  • Finished save block height on close functions
  • Created admin section for the help command
  • Various bug fixes and tweaks
  • More console feedback added and debug output sprinkled in

Tippy is currently sitting just under 2000 lines of code at the moment. While it's not exactly finished yet it's certainly starting to get around the last bend to the home stretch. Pretty damn excited to get this service finished, tested and launched for the STEEM network. Still aiming for end of month launch at this point. :)

The main part left to do is implement queues for tips, votes and replies and then a shitload of bug testing and after that the tippy project may very well be ready to launch... Very excited.

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