Why Upvote Big Names? Because they are Big Names. A Changed Mind Here

Posts by names like @dollarvigilante & @falkvinge have been going through the roof. My gut feeling was, "
Well, this seems unfair..."

But the fact is, it's not.

These people have put in their time and have accomplished many great things. Things that most of us would think were awesome if we took the time to read past the reward amount. I am sorry that those number near the reward gave me a momentary lapse in judgement.

I for one am glad to see them on here. I strongly believe their following userbase will bring the capital ten fold the size of their post rewards. Which is fantastic news for everyone.
To me Steemit is more than getting a reward for your posts. For the first time in my life, I actually care enough to sit down and write about what is on my mind. Not for the money, but because I feel like this is a movement I want to be a part of it.

I want to power, be heard, and have a say on who is heard. I want to be an active participating member of a proactive community where quality is praised.

Some posts I even spend a few days on and I feel great the whole time I am writing and researching.

The two people first mentioned I have never even heard of and now I am glad I have them on my radar as I enjoy their content tremendously.
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