"Thank You For Being" @everlove

The Steemit community and Family is one that needs our continuous support. Believe it or not the people on this site appreciate what others do on Steemit. I appreciate every single one of you who take the time and effort to write, dtube, and take pictures of the things that you are passionate about. We are as a community a melting pot of beautiful ideas.

Recently, I was invited by @everlove to join the "Thank You For Being" game and now I invite all who read this to come and join the "Thank You For Being" game. Simply put your first tag as thankyouforbeing and notify the person you are thankful for.

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In the little time I have been on Steemit (I'd say less than a month) I have pretty much echoed how supporting one another on this site and coming together to help build Steemit benefits everyone. I believe it and I hold true to it. @everlove takes her time to recognize those who not only inspire her, but inspire an entire community. She is the reason I am playing this game. It is a creative way to let someone know that you appreciate what they do, and wish them continued success.


With inspiration comes positive energy. I dedicate this to @everlove because after reading her "Thank You For Being" posts I can see the passion she has in her writings and pictures. She is doing exactly what is needed to help the Steemit community. She cares about what she is doing and the people she writes about, and that is a beautiful thing. She is truly the type of person that makes me smile on this site because all I want to do is help and create progress for everyone. If you happen to get a moment please read @everlove "Thank You For Being" posts and I assure you, you will see exactly what I am talking about. @everlove/let-s-play-the-thank-you-for-being-game

When we take a moment to acknowledge someone in our daily lives or here on Steemit we give them the motivation to keep doing what they are doing. It brings everyone closer together, even if we are far apart. So please everyone, do not be afraid to take a moment and send kind words to someone on here. It is these types of things that make what we all do worth it. So @everlove I tip my hat to you for taking your time and acknowledging and thanking those who make this site great. I know that as long as there are people like you on Steemit, I am in a good place.


I invite all who read this to join in on the " Thank You For Being" game. Let's keeping building together. Please visit @everlove and show her some love. Thank you for reading, I wish all of you the best.

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