"Thank You For Being" @gardenofeden

The Steemit community and Family is one that needs our continuous support. Believe it or not the people on this site appreciate what others do on Steemit. I appreciate every single one of you who take the time and effort to write, dtube, and take pictures of the things that you are passionate about. We are as a community a melting pot of beautiful ideas.

@everlove shared the "Thank You For Being" with me. She inspired me to keep the game going as it is a wonderful thing for our Steemit community. I invite everyone who reads this to please join in and love and/or appreciate a member of your Steemit family. This game is wonderful because you bring the community together and acknowledge those who are making the Steemit community stronger with interaction, love, and the drive to continue doing their great work.

The "Thank You For Being" game is easy to play. Simply make your first tag thankyouforbeing and then notify the person you're thankful for. You can write, or do video and express yourself in anyway that is comfortable for you. So please go out there and spread the Steemit love by playing this game.

Today I dedicate this "Thank You For Being" to @gardenofeden because day in and day out @gardenofeden is constantly helping those in the Steemit community and outside of it. The selfless acts of @gardenofeden deserve to be recognized and I can only hope that as I grow on this platform I can do the same magical things gardenofeden is doing. I too want to help those in need and with people like @gardenofeden and @everlove in our community I know I will achieve my goals.


@gardenofeden brings a wonderful assortment of food products that can be acquired by you the reader and all proceeds go to a wonderful cause. So please check out @gardenofeden and show them all the love and support you can.

You will see the messages on @gardenofeden posts that show that they are making a difference. I will kindly post of a few of the messages here so you, yourself can see the positive impact @gardenofeden is making.

"As always, we promise to pay forward all resources we generate:

All Proceeds Are Dedicated To A New Paradigm

100% of all proceeds go to feeding, housing, educating and healing those in need.

Every year, we

  • feed tens of thousands of meals
  • save hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash from the landfill
  • achieve a negative zero carbon footprint
  • house dozens of people who need shelter
  • educate tens of thousands of individuals all over the world through our media outlets about natural, holistic, & wholesome approaches to food, health, parenting, relationships, business, and the law
  • provide training to hundreds of volunteers in sustainable practices that honor our planet
  • inspire one and all that anything is possible & there's more than enough of everything!" (credit goes directly to @gardenofeden)

"Because we stand in support of the greatest good & especially the revolutionary potential of this platform, we've never cashed out any $teem or even powered down - which is good for everyone! This means that when you upvote our posts, you are increasing the value of your own $teem wealth as well!" (credits goes directly to @gardenofeden)

Can you see it? Can you see how someone can make a difference? I can. When you take your time anything is possible and @gardenofeden is proof of that. When you upvote @gardenofeden it helps you. When you upvote @gardenofeden you help someone in need. Does it get anymore beautiful than that? So please take a moment and visit @gardenofeden you are helping everyone if you do.


I want you to know @gardenofeden that your great work does not go unnoticed. You are very important to the Steemit community and to the world and I give you my full support. You inspire me and many others to focus on the important things in life. I salute you and I want you to know that you're loved and appreciated. We need more people like you to build our Steemit community and the communities we live in. Please know that if you ever need a hand, all you have to do is ask and I will always do my best for you. You always have a supporter and friend in me. I look forward to seeing more great work from you and I am honored to be able to have the opportunity to be in a community with you where we can make great things happen. Thank you @gardenofeden.


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