What’s The Deal With That Wall?

You know the wall, that border wall that US President Trump desperately wants built, and has been on, and on, and on about in his electoral campaign.

Well, he has signed an Executive Order, so it is now going to be built and if you take his words at face value it will be him and his staff literally building it.

“The secretary of homeland security, working with myself and my staff, will begin immediate construction of a border wall,” the US president said to applause at the Department of Homeland Security. Reported The Guardian “https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/25/donald-trump-sign-mexico-border-executive-order”.

Department of Homeland Security staff were visibly excited at the thought that there would be no more meddling as the President and his staff would be so busy and tired after spending hours every day building the tall and long, very long but very beautiful wall between Mexico and the USA.

So the US wants the wall, and is expecting Mexico to pay for it…hah, good luck with that.

This is like two properties next door to one another, the owner of one wants a fence and wants the owner of other to pay for it…hah, good luck with that.

Or maybe it’s more like if one property owner wanting a 370 metre high fence, and the other thought that was a just little bit excessive and so refused to pay for any of it.

As there was no agreement signed between the two property owners, but one foolishly went ahead and built the 370 metre high fence anyway. It cost a great many hours and a huge amount of money to build but the property owner thought, no expected the other to pay…hah…good luck with that.

So who do YOU think has to pay for that tall, long, very long but very beautiful wall?

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