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GrumpyCat Weekly Report Thursday 12 April 2018

05 April - 12 April 2018 @GrumpyCat Activity Report

  • This report is prepared by @the-resistance to inform public on the activity of @GrumpyCat.
  • All the information in this report is based on facts and data. Any comment is defined as Comment in the following post.

GrumpyCat and MadPuppy downvotes

@GrumpyCat downvotes : 2,04 SBD

@MadPuppy downvotes : 373,65 SBD

Distrubution of downvotes according to post age


The report clearly shows that %76 of the posts that are downvoted by @GrumpyCat is less than 3 days old.
This is a total contradiction to the rules that are put by GrumpyCat.

%76 of collateral damage!

This damage is done on blockchain where everyone can reach any data he wants.

This makes @GrumpyCat

  • Not giving a shit to who he hurts - He can not be left unattended.
  • Ignorant - We know that Cat is clever in an evil way.
  • Have a hidden agenda

A total of 376 SBD, where %76 is taken from innocent minnows with fresh posts!

GrumpyCat and MadPuppy Self Upvotes

During past week @GrumpyCat have self upvoted himself from @Grumpycat and from @MadPuppy account with a value of 1267.18 SBD.

This is %99.3 of his all upvotes.

%0.7 upvote is given to others

The ratio of downvotes/self upvotes is 3:1
For each downvoted 1 SBD, @GrumpyCat self upvoted with 3 SBD.


Again a show of how selfish Cat's are.
%99.3 self upvotes without giving anything to community.
These self upvotes are really not the problem of @the-resistance.
We are resisting for the people that are innocently flagged by GrumpyCat.

Open Proposal for @GrumpyCat

GrumpyCat requested advice from community by putting 50 Steem bounty to find a reply for @the-resistance's proposal.
So far, there is no winner.
We are also waiting forward to the best reply chosen by @GrumpyCat.

The proposal is still fair and valid.

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