The Diary Game Day 7 - Thursday May 28 2020

Today was a very wet and rainy day.

Still hot and muggy for May but overall gloomy.

As usual I was up around 6:00 am with Lola for our quick run around the yard. I pulled some dandelions with our Dandelion weed puller from Canadian Tire.... it’s this green pole with a set of nails that compress to pull the dandelion out by the roots. It’s pretty effective and has lasted me several years. No matter what there are more dandelions to pull everyday. The seeds are blowing everywhere.

The City does not spray anything to kill the weeds so all the parks and lawns along the sidewalks are covered in dandelions. Eventually everything will be dandelions except my back yard. ... the seeds and pollen blowing around is brutal for my allergies. I can’t go anywhere without sneezing and coughing. So definitely wearing my mask and goggles.

Lola loves chasing the dandelions as I pull them .... I think she thinks they are little creatures with a tail. She shreds them pretty quick.

After my coffee I settled into do some work. Made a few phone calls to set up more conference calls for next week .... things are getting super busy at work so I don’t have much time for Steemit and Appics these days. I think life is going back to normal.... except for the masks and goggles and lines to buy groceries.

After lunch I did some more work, trying to find forms for some Contractors. Worked until about 9:00 pm tonight. Making up for lost time I guess. Anyway, no swims in the rain today. Stay safe everyone and See you tomorrow.

A view from the garden.


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