Everyday for the past few years, I have had my first cup of coffee in one of my Steemit mugs. Today was slightly different.!! haha haha

#Promo-Steem - Promoting #thediarygame


Drinking Chocolate and Coffee.!!

Everyday for the past few years, I have kicked off the day with a cup of coffee in one of my #Steemit mugs.

Back in 2017, I bought a load of #Steem promotional merchandise to hand out at promotional events, including: T-shirts, Mugs, Caps, Pens etc and I am pleased to say that they have stood the test of time.

One of the pens I use on daily basis and although it has been chewed a little and the clip broken off, it still writes a treat.


I thought I would share this with you what happened earlier on.

While making my first cup of coffee, I accidentally put drinking chocolate in the mug and when I poured the hot water in I realised it was drinking chocolate and not coffee.!!

What a dilemma.!!

Do I pour it out and start again or just put the coffee in and soldier on?

I opted for the latter and went for a very strong mug of coffee and drinking chocolate.!! hahaha

Sounds disgusting, but I am going to be honest with you, it tastes alright. hahaha haha

Have a great day everyone and thanks again for reading.


#Promo-Steem - Promoting #thediarygame

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