100 DAYS OF STEEM: 10/06/2020 - My 1st Diary Game: Volunteered in tennis coaching

Where have I been all along to participate in the daily diary game? Can you imagine there is a 1000 steem prize for the winner of this contest? Anyway, I have also joined the great fun today with this very first entry.

Many kids around my home area are idle during this country’s total lock-down. I have been engaging them in the tennis sport. I chose to volunteer in teaching them the tennis sport because of the passion I have for the sport. The kids are enjoying the sport and the numbers are increasing on a daily basis. I began with 1 kid and now the number has grown to 11.


This is an investment I am making in the lives of young people in my local area. Tennis will surely help them in securing them more opportunities in the future. Some of these kids will turn out to be great tennis players, others will become tennis coaches. Tennis has a variety of benefits that these are going to enjoy as they continue playing the sport. They will also use the sport for socialization and networking with other people.

The passion and interest in the sport have grown in them through the creative games I keep engaging them in. For example, bouncing the ball consistently on the racket up to a certain number of times.


I keep engaging them in physical fitness drills such as running around a certain demarcated area tirelessly for a certain number of times. This is contributing to their health wellbeing and also making them physically fit.
One of the local officials gave me a land where I can run these tennis training sessions on a daily basis. I am so grateful and happy about that.


This activity is drawing the attention of many people in my local area. People want their kids to engage in some sports activities and here I am offering their kids a great opportunity to learn the tennis sport.

I bought some more tennis balls to help out in the tennis training sessions as these were urgently needed. I have been using only 6 balls in the training sessions. These have been making me get so exhausted quickly because they could make me over move around to collect them. With the increased number of balls which is now 45, I am now at least having plenty of time to engage these young ones in the playing of the balls consistently for some time before collecting them.

Let me know your thoughts about it in the comments section below;

Great thanks to @steemitblog and the entire steem team for organizing such engaging contests. You may also want to visit this blog post and participate in a variety of them.

Until next time…Thanks for reading.

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