A Whale Downvoted a the50 Post for Promoting Whaleshares ... & Why This is ANTI-FREEDOM!

We Are a Community of Individuals ..

... Not a Submissive Tribe!

I have less than 400 STEEM Power and I was down-voted by a whale who has 1/2 MILLION!

This account, that is used to organize a group of relatively-low STEEMPower holders, seeking to engage in mutual aid, which is meant to give the individuals involved incentive to INVEST IN, and POWER UP STEEM. We can not wait around and hope that we gain the good favor of whales, which we see many STEEMIANS enjoying on a daily basis - when there is no help to be found, we must help ourselves!

.. this is the fundamental basis of COMMUNITY!

WHALESHARES is created in the same spirit, to give the little people a chance to GIVE THEMSELVES a boost, by purchasing and using WHALESHARES tokens, which will be made available on BITSHARES - not only does this make STEEM a more attractive proposition for those who were not early adopters, and who do not have $ 100 000 dollars to spend on STEEM, it provides them motivation to stick with the platform, not to mention promoting BITSHARES .. in short it gives the great, silent and mostly ignored majority, a means to give themselves the pat on the back, and monetary boost, that they can not get elsewhere (not consistently enough to keep them interested).

People Do Not Have Time to Beg for the Attention of Narcissistic Whales

So-called communities that have formed around whales, in hopes that joining will provide some sort of visibility boost, or to win the direct support of the Whale .. simply by sending love and admiration their way .. is .. well, sickening. WHALESHARES, is a free market transaction, requiring investment by the user and benefit to the founders and to a small degree, to the Whales who participate. On the part of the participating Whales, it is not necessarily the best way for them to use their time and their STEEM Power .. it is time consuming and will not return to them the same amount that they could gain by abusing their power in underhanded, covert and obfuscated collusive efforts ..

WHALESHARES is entirely transparent, and again, it is a free market solution to a very real need! No freedom loving proponent of decentralization should get in the way of 'that'! Unless they fancy themselves a Chief seeking the love and obedience of a tribe under their heavy-hand - gaining more than they actually give.

We appreciate @abit and @officialfuzzy, and the50 will continue to fully support WHALESHARES, and hope that our members make use of it, in their own self-interest .. because if you do not do whatever you can to improve your results and your lives, no one else is going to .. unless you are one of the lucky-lucky few selected by the gods!

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