Balls To The Walls! (I'm the One Behind The Wheel)

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My pics are big because I am too lazy to format them, Oh Well! I also write how I want to which is Gonzo Style Journalism and can care less if my Grammar isn't text book. (I save being Anal Retentive for the real Asses :P )
That leads me to wanting to remind myself and whoever reads this that the powers that be can be stuck on the hot seat. The amount of social engineering and deep state activity across lots of "free" social media platforms is shocking. Speaking out takes some big ass Ovaries in my case. Many on here have been brave and share their beautiful voices that keep the freedom train rolling.


gonna just go ahead and leave this right here, in the age of INFORMATION ...choosing ignorance should not be the default mode..... I don't care if it's free or on blockchain or Fakebook or whatever..... gotta question or you'll get questioned

  • 13 million pages of CIA docs were dropped that included soft disclosure of UFO's, Psychic Warfare and manipulation on Global levels and most people gave zero care....

  • MuckRock by sheer grassroots efforts won a lawsuit to make available information ranging from Coups to Recipes for Invisible Ink to Stargate information


  • As an American Citizen I have the right to know certain things as do YOU..... Standing Rock was a demonstration of how utterly Militarized the 'system' has become and yet the sleeping masses still remain in their illusion/delusions that there are not some extremely horrible crimes against humanity being perpetrated on a daily basis

  • If you like where I am going with this then I am going to start Red Pilling hard, if you like that I showed my long blonde hair and cool ass glasses that works as well :)

(document open and legal record from the American Government made legal and free to use by and for public consumption.... YouTube Common License)

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