Decluttering Your Steemit Experience (K.I.S.S.)

Steemit can be overwhelming. Everybody has the inside track and the brand new idea that will be better than the 10,000 other amazing ideas and projects that are hurled at you every time you dive in! Every day there is something that is newer, shinier and sexier to keep your eyes darting around and sometimes it causes you to ......freeze up.
(Actual Picture of Steemian being Info Overloaded and feeling the FUD and FOMO Factors!)


For myself, I just avoid the junk I don't like and hope it avoids me. I have a list of my fave people to Manually Curate and check out Trending just about never. We all started out with different weaknesses and strengths and trying to be in the Steemian version of "Keeping Up With The Kartrashians" holds zero appeal or actual benefit to my own trip on here.
When the energy exerted isn't even remotely acknowledged or appreciated here is what I do......


There is a beauty that comes with cutting out that which does not apply and that which drains. There also is a beauty in consciously keeping out the non stop clutter of non-applicable information so that you can find the communities that you gel with and say "Adios Non-Amigos" to the rest.

(CatDaddyDM's , #teamgood, #steemusa, #thesteemexperience, #steemsugars #eastcoaststeem)

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